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Now downloading free:Philips bfg21w 1880drv

Philips bfg21w 1880drv free download

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Philips Semiconductors 1880 MHz PA Driver with BFG21W 1880 MHz PA Driver with BFG21W Application Note JL-9901v0 Author Jarek Lucek April 9, 1999 Discrete Semiconductors - Mansfield 171 Forbes Blvd. Mansfield, MA 02048 Abstract th BFG21W, the new 5 generation transistor from Philips Semiconductors, is well suited for PA driver applications in AMPS, TDMA, CDMA and GSM systems. BFG21W's performance is superior at 1880 MHz, 3.6V applications. Under CW mode, the part is capable of P1dB=24dBm, efficiency of over 50% and typical Gp of 12 dB. BFG21W delivers 23.5 dBm of linear output power under TDMA with a typical G of 12 dB and efficiency of above 45%. p Under CDMA mode, BFG21W delivers 21 dBm of linear output power with a typical G of above 12 dB and p efficiency of 40%. Philips Semiconductors 1880 MHz PA Driver with BFG21W INTRODUCTION BFG21W is Philips Semiconductors' 5th generation silicon bipolar RF wideband transistor in a SOT343R plastic SMD package. The transistor delivers superior performance at frequencies below 3 GHz. It is manufactured according to the double poly process and characterized by a high transition frequency (fT > 20 GHz) at low sub 3 Volt supply voltages. This application notes describes BFG21W performance at 1880 MHz operation under CW, 2 Tone, TDMA and CDMA conditions. PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW The table below summarizes BFG21W's typical performance capabilities under different signal conditions. P1dB or Plinear* Gain** Efficiency*** System Vsupply dBm dB % Icq=10mA Icq=20mA Icq=10mA Icq=20mA Icq=10mA Icq=20mA 3.0 Volts 22 22 12 12 56 56 CW 3.6 Volts 24 24 12 12 52 52 3.0 Volts 18 18 12.5 12.5 30 30 2Tone 3.6 Volts 19.5

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