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Philips SAA3004 free download

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INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET SAA3004 Remote control transmitter Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 August 1982 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Remote control transmitter GENERAL DESCRIPTION SAA3004 The SAA3004 transmitter IC is designed for infrared remote control systems. It has a total of 448 commands which are divided into 7 sub-system groups with 64 commands each. The sub-system code may be selected by a press button, a slider switch or hard wired. The SAA3004 generates the pattern for driving the output stage. These patterns are pulse distance coded. The pulses are infrared flashes or modulated. The transmission mode is defined in conjunction with the sub-system address. Modulated pulses allow receivers with narrow-band preamplifiers for improved noise rejection to be used. Flashed pulses require a wide-band preamplifier within the receiver. The SAA3004 has the following features: ˇ Flashed or modulated transmission ˇ 7 sub-system addresses ˇ Up to 64 commands per sub-system address ˇ High-current remote output at VDD = 6 V (-IOH = 40 mA) ˇ Low number of additional components ˇ Key release detection by toggle bits ˇ Very low stand-by current (< 2 ľA) ˇ Operational current < 2 mA at 6 V supply ˇ Wide supply voltage range (4 to 11 V) ˇ Ceramic resonator controlled frequency (typ. 450 kHz) ˇ Encapsulation: 20-lead plastic DIL or 20-lead plastic mini-pack (SO-20) PACKAGE OUTLINES SAA3004P: 20-lead DIL; plastic (SOT146); SOT146-1; 1996 December 11. SAA3004T: 20-lead mini-pack; plastic (SO20; SOT163A); SOT163-1; 1996 December 11. August 1982 2 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Remote control transmitter SAA3004 Fig.1 Transmitter with SAA3004. INPUTS AND OUTPUTS Key matrix inputs and outputs (DRV0N to DRV6N and SEN0N to SEN6N) The transmitter keyboard is arranged as a scanned matrix. The matrix consists of 7 driver outputs and 7 sense inputs as shown in Fig.1. The driver outputs DRV0N to DRV6N are open drain N-channel transistors and they are conductive in the stand-by mode. The 7 sense inputs (SEN0N to SEN6N) enable the generation of 56 command codes. With 2 external diodes all 64 commands are addressable. The sense inputs have P-channel pull-up transistors, so that they are HIGH until they are pulled LOW by connecting them to an output via a key depression to initiate a code transmission. Address mode input (ADRM) The sub-system address and the transmission mode are defined by connecting the ADRM input to one or more driver outputs (DRV0N to DRV6N) of the key matrix. If more than one driver is connected to ADRM, they must be decoupled by a diode. This allows the definition of seven sub-system addresses as shown in Table 3. If driver DRV6N is connected to ADRM the data output format of REMO is modulated or if not connected, flashed. The ADRM input has switched pull-up and pull-down loads. In the stand-by mode only the pull-down device is active. Whether ADRM is open (sub-system addre

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