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Washing Machines service manual and repair instructions

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SERVICE MANUAL WASHER DRYER COMBO SW5L65D SW5L30D SERVICE To become an authorized Supra Appliance Servicer Please contact Supra Appliances at 1-877-44-SUPRA PARTS To order for Supra Parts and accessories please contact Supra Appliances at 1-877-44-SUPRA PUBLISHED BY Supra Technical & Service Division POWER SOURCE SW5L65D - 220V, 60Hz; SW5L30D - 115V, 60Hz This manual is upgraded periodically and may not include modifications done subsequently. Please visit to receive updates. SUPRA reserves the right to continuosly improve product design and specificaitons without compromise to product safety, quality and standards in the users interest. SUPRA CORPORATION Contact us at [email protected] Sharman Bldg., Nishiwaseda, 3-Chome Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo, Japan CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Fault Report 3. Technical Specifications ­ SW5L65D 4. Technical Specifications ­ SW5L30D 5. Wiring Diagram ­ SW5L65D 6. Wiring Diagram ­ SW5L30D COMMON TO BOTH MODELS 7. Exploded View 8. Trouble Shooting 9. Maintenance PARTS 10. Parts List - SW5L65D 11. Parts List - SW5L30D INTRODUCTION This Service Manual has been designed and printed to be used only by an authorized service technician familiar with and knowledgeable of proper safety servicing procedures and possessing high quality test equipment associated with repair of Electronic products. All Individuals, who attempts repairs by improper means or adjustments, subject themselves and others to the risk of serious or fatal injury. This service manual is a valuable tool and care should be taken to keep it up-to-date by prompt and proper filling of subsequent pages that may be issued time to time. Please update this manual periodically with revised component parts list and service procedures. UPDATES RECORD Update Release date Regarding Modifications Please use "FAULT REPORT FORM" for comments on the contents in this service manual or if information provided is not sufficient to fix the unit or for additional help from the factory to fix specific service problems. SUPRA APPLIANCES 101, 3rd St., Kentwood, LA, 70444 Tel: 1-877-44-SUPRA Fax: 985-229-4334 Contact us at [email protected] Fault Ref. # FAULT REPORT CUSTOMER / SERVICE CENTER INFORMATION Name : Service Center : Full Address City: Tel/Fax # Email: PRODUCT DETAILS Supra Model # Description Wiring Diagram Document # No. of Defective units State : Pin: Purchase Date Serial # Exploded view # Voltage DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM (Include as much information as you can) For Servicer SERVICE PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED TO RECTIY PROBLEM For Supra Technical Service ANY PARTS TO BE REPLACED For Supra Technical Service SERVICE MANUAL REFERENCE For Supra Technical Service Submitted by Date : Footnote: Please attach additional pages if required. Fax Fault report to 985-229-4334; Email Fault report to [email protected] Solution Provided by Date: Download fault report form

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