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File name:4046.pdf
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Model:4046 🔎
Original:CMOS 4xxx 🔎
Descr:HEF4046B MSI Phase-locked loop
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET For a complete data sheet, please also download: · The IC04 LOCMOS HE4000B Logic Family Specifications HEF, HEC · The IC04 LOCMOS HE4000B Logic Package Outlines/Information HEF, HEC HEF4046B MSI Phase-locked loop Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC04 January 1995 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Phase-locked loop DESCRIPTION The HEF4046B is a phase-locked loop circuit that consists of a linear voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) and two different phase comparators with a common signal input amplifier and a common comparator input. A 7 V regulator (zener) diode is provided for supply voltage regulation if necessary. For functional description see further on in this data. HEF4046B MSI Fig.1 Functional diagram. FAMILY DATA HEF4046BP(N): HEF4046BD(F): HEF4046BT(D): 16-lead DIL; plastic (SOT38-1) 16-lead DIL; ceramic (cerdip) (SOT74) 16-lead SO; plastic (SOT109-1) ( ): Package Designator North America IDD LIMITS category MSI See further on in this data. See Family Specifications January 1995 2 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Phase-locked loop PINNING 1. Phase comparator pulse output 2. Phase comparator 1 output 3. Comparator input 4. VCO output 5. Inhibit input 6. Capacitor C1 connection A 7. Capacitor C1 connection B 8. VSS 9. VCO input 10. Source-follower output 11. Resistor R1 connection 12. Resistor R2 connection 13. Phase comparator 2 output 14. Signal input HEF4046B MSI 15. Zener diode input for regulated supply. Fig.2 Pinning diagram. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION VCO part The VCO requires one external capacitor (C1) and one or two external resistors (R1 or R1 and R2). Resistor R1 and capacitor C1 determine the frequency range of the VCO. Resistor R2 enables the VCO to have a frequency off-set if required. The high input impedance of the VCO simplifies the design of low-pass filters; it permits the designer a wide choice of resistor/capacitor ranges. In order not to load the low-pass filter, a source-follower output of the VCO input voltage is provided at pin 10. If this pin (SFOUT) is used, a load resistor (RSF) should be connected from this pin to VSS; if unused, this pin should be left open. The VCO output (pin 4) can either be connected directly to the comparator input (pin 3) or via a frequency divider. A LOW level at the inhibit input (pin 5) enables the VCO and the source follower, while a HIGH level turns off both to minimize stand-by power consumption. Phase comparators The phase-comparator signal input (pin 14) can be direct-coupled, provided the signal swing is between the standard HE4000B family input logic levels. The signal must be capacitively coupled to the self-biasing amplifier at the signal input in case of smaller swings. Phase comparator 1 is an EXCLUSIVE-OR network. The signal and comparator input frequencies must have a 50% duty January 1995 3 factor to obtain the maximum lock range. The average output voltage of the phase comparator is

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