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Cyrix 6x86 free download

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Descr:The Cyrix M1 Architecture
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The Cyrix M1 Architecture Cyrix M1 architectural feature comparison Feature Cyrix M1 Intel Pentium Alpha 21164 PowerPC 604 Overview The Cyrix M1 architecture is a superscalar, superpipelined x86 processor architecture operating at very high clock rates. The architecture's sophisticated dependency- and conflict-reduction schemes are implemented in hardware, allowing it to deliver performance increases of roughly 2.5 times that of the 486 architecture operating at an identical clock rate, and a gain of 30%­50% over the Pentium at an identical clock rate when running today's applications. This architectural advantage, coupled with the core clock rates of 100 MHz and better, yield up to five times the performance of a 486-50, and up to two times that of a current Pentium processor. The M1 architecture provides more than 12 times the performance of a typical RISC-based architecture operating in "compatibility" mode, the mode required for the RISC architecture to run existing x86 software. The Cyrix M1 architecture includes five basic elements: Integer Unit, Floating Point Unit, Cache Unit, Memory Management Unit, and Bus Control Unit. Integer Unit and Floating Point Unit The M1 is a superscalar, superpipelined architecture that utilizes two seven-stage integer pipelines, the x-pipe and the y-pipe. Each pipeline contains a prefetch stage, two decode stages (ID1, ID2), two addresscalculation stages (AC1, AC2), an execute stage (EX), and a write-back stage (WB). The M1 architecture also contains a single, 64-bit, enhanced x87compatible, floating point pipeline. The FPU is enhanced by a fourinstruction queue and four independent, 64-bit write buffers. Cache Unit and Memory Management Unit The M1 architecture contains a 16-KByte, on-chip, 4-way set associative, unified instruction/data cache as the primary data cache and secondary instruction cache, and a 256-byte, fully set associative, instruction line cache that is the primary instruction cache. The unified cache is dual-ported to allow for two simultaneous fetches, reads, writes, or combinations of any two. The M1 architecture memory management unit includes two paging mechanisms, the traditional x86 architecture mechanism, and a M1-unique variable-sized paging mechanism. The variable-sized paging mechanism allows software to map address regions between 4 KBytes and 4 GBytes in size. The use of large, contiguous memories significantly increases performance in applications that make heavy use of RAM, such as videointensive graphics applications and desktop publishing applications. Bus Interface Unit The M1 architecture bus interface unit provides the signal lines and device timing required to implement the architecture in a system. The bus interface unit is logically isolated, to provide for wide flexibility in system implementation. 1 x86 instruction set Superscalar Multiple integer units Superpipelined Register renaming General purpose registers Data forwarding Branch prediction Speculative executio

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