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Now downloading free:Agilent HP 5071A Telecom Option Supplemental

Agilent HP 5071A Telecom Option Supplemental free download

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Descr: Agilent HP 5071A Telecom Option Supplemental.pdf
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$JLOHQW $ 3ULPDU\ )UHTXHQF\ 6WDQGDUG 7HOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQV 2SWLRQV 7HOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQV 2SWLRQV 6XSSOHPHQWDO 0DQXDO Telecommunications Options Supplemental Manual This manual describes the Telecommunications options for the Agilent 5071A Primary Frequency Standard. The information in this manual applies toinstruments with one or more telecommunications options having the number prefix listed below, unless accomplanied by a "Manual Updating Changes" package indicating otherwise. SERIAL NUMBER PREFIX: 3249A and above Options: 048, 104, 105, 220, 221, 222, 270, 271, and 272 Agilent 5071A Primary Frequency Standard Copyright Agilent Certification Safety Considerations Safety Considerations Technologies, Inc. 1994, 2000 and Warranty (contd) General Certification All Rights Reserved. This product and related Reproduction, adaptation, or Agilent Technologies documentation must be translations without prior certifies that this product reviewed for familiarization written permission is met its published with this safety markings prohibited, except as allowed specification at the time of and instructions before Indicates earth (ground) under the copyright laws. shipment from the factory. operation. terminal. Agilent further certifies that Printed: December 2000 its calibration measurements This product is a safety are traceable to the United Class I instrument (provided States National Institute of with a protective earth Printed in USA Standards and Technology or terminal). (formerly National Bureau of Manual part number Standards), to the extent 05071-90042 allowed by the Institute's Before Applying Power calibration facility, and to Indicates terminal is Verify that the product is set the calibration facilities of connected to chassis when other International to match the available line voltage and the correct fuse such connection is not Standards Organization

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