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Agilent 1951-09 free download

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?^^ HEWLETT-PACKARD (Kg) JOURNAL f * T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M T H E - h p - L A B O R A T O R I E S VOL. 3 No. 1 'UBLISHED BY THE HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 395 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER, 1951 Good Practice in Slotted Line Measurements A REVIEW of the literature will disclose characteristic of the various devices used in A\. that much has been written on the sub slotted line work. ject of proper techniques for making meas A generalized set-up for measurements urements with slotted lines, but such infor with a slotted line section is shown in Fig. 1. mation is generally interspersed among oth A signal source, usually a signal generator or er information. With the increasing amount internal-cavity reflex klystron at UHF-SHF of work going on at UHF and SHF frequen frequencies, feeds through a slotted section to the load whose characteristics are to be cies, many engineers find themselves with a measured. The signal source is commonly need for making slotted line measurements for the first time. Others have only occasional amplitude-modulated in order to simplify need for such measurement. In either case the design of the associated measuring equip ment. The fields in the line are sampled by the engineer must do considerable research means of a probe which protrudes into the to obtain a coherent overall picture of good slotted section. The sampling probe may practice and of the equipment available for connect to a detector which in turn connects the particular measurements to be made. As

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