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Now downloading free:Agilent Hp 3245A

Agilent Hp 3245A free download

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FREQUENCY, FUNCTION & WAVEFORM SYNTHESIZERS Universal Source HP 3245A Precision DC Outputs with 6 1/2 Digits of Resolution Non volatile storage of up to 14 Synthesized AC With 0.4% Amplitude Accuracy Second Channel Output Available Sine, Square, Triangle, and ARB to 1 MHz Continuous Frequency Changes Ramp and Pulse to 100 KHz Optional Software for Waveform Modification Floating Outputs Downloadable Subroutines Model 3245A Description Arbitrary Waveform The HP 3245A Universal Source offers a unique mix of precision The HP 3245A offers arbitrary waveform operation at a full 1 DC capabilities with versatile AC performance, including arbitrary MHz bandwidth. This is acomplished by a sampling technique waveform generation. This versatility can be put to advantage on the whereby the values loaded into RAM are sampled at approximately bench, where the HP 3245A may well be all the source you will ever 4.3 MHz and then run through a 1.25 MHz 5-pole low-pass filter. need. The HP 3245A can also fit into your Computer Aided Test Sys- This allows full 1 MHz rep rate while maintaining 0.001 Hz resolu- tem, providing the capabilities of AC, DC, and second channel op- tion at any frequency. The HP 3245A can also store multiple arrays tions in a single 3.5" tall instrument. that can be accessed for arbitrary waveform generation. Array depth Precision DC is 2048 bytes. The HP 3245A provides precision DC outputs of both voltage and Waveform Generation Software current. In the high-resolution mode, you get 24-bit resolution with A powerful software package, useful for creating specialized 60 ppm, 90-day accuracy. The low-resolution mode provides 12-bit resolution with 100 usec settling times. This type of precision means waveforms, is available as an option to the HP 3245A. This menu you can use the HP 3245A to test A/D converters, Voltage to Fre- driven software facilitates the capture of a waveform using a seperate quency converters, VCO's, transducers, and anywhere that a highly hardware digitizer, such as the HP 3458A. The waveform can then be accurate DC voltage or current is required. There are two output modified, if desired. The waveform can then be played back via the ranges in the high resolution mode;

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