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Now downloading free:Agilent HP 4278A Service

Agilent HP 4278A Service free download

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Errata Title & Document Type: 4278A 1 kHz/ 1MHz Capacitance Meter Service Guide Manual Part Number: 04278-90500 Revision Date: July 1, 2000 HP References in this Manual This manual may contain references to HP or Hewlett-Packard. Please note that Hewlett- Packard's former test and measurement, semiconductor products and chemical analysis businesses are now part of Agilent Technologies. We have made no changes to this manual copy. The HP XXXX referred to in this document is now the Agilent XXXX. For example, model number HP8648A is now model number Agilent 8648A. About this Manual We've added this manual to the Agilent website in an effort to help you support your product. This manual provides the best information we could find. It may be incomplete or contain dated information, and the scan quality may not be ideal. If we find a better copy in the future, we will add it to the Agilent website. Support for Your Product Agilent no longer sells or supports this product. You will find any other available product information on the Agilent Test & Measurement website: Search for the model number of this product, and the resulting product page will guide you to any available information. Our service centers may be able to perform calibration if no repair parts are needed, but no other support from Agilent is available. Notice Hewlett-Packard to Agilent Technologies Transition This manual may contain references to HP or Hewlett-Packard. Please note that Hewlett- Packard's former test and measurement, semiconductor products and chemical analysis businesses are now part of Agilent Technologies. To reduce potential confusion, the only change to product numbers and names has been in the company name prefix: where a product name/number was HP XXXX the current name/number is now Agilent XXXX. For example, model number HP8648 is now model number Agilent 8648. Contacting Agilent Sales and Service Offices The sales and service contact information in this manual may be out of date. The latest service and contact information for your location can be found on the Web at: If you do not have access to the Internet, contact your field engineer or the nearest sales and service office listed below. In any correspondence or telephone conversation, refer to your instrument by its model number and full serial number. United States Latin America New Zealand (tel) 1 800 452 4844 (tel) (305) 269 7500 (tel) 0 800 738 378 (fax) 1 800 829 4433 (fax) (305) 269 7599 (fax) 64 4 495 8950 Canada Japan Asia Pacific (tel) +1 877 894 4414 (tel) (81) 426 56 7832 (tel) (852) 3197 7777 (fax) +1 888 900 8921 (fax) (81) 426 56 7840 (fax) (852) 2506 9284 Europe Australia (tel) (31 20) 547 2323

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