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Agilent 1957-01 free download

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HEWLETT-PACKARD JOURNAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION FROM THE -hp- LABORATORIES I^IHHHIHI^^^H^^^H^^^^^^H Vol. 8 No. 5 iLISHED BY THE HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 275 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA JANUARY, 1957 An RC Oscillator that Covers the 20 cps-20 kc Range in a Single Dial Sweep OVER a period of time -hp- has designed expense. In such applications the response of resistance-capacity test oscillators for interest is plotted on the face of an oscilloscope many fields of work from the sub-audio to the or on an X - Y recorder. To facilitate using lower r-f ranges. The usefulness of this type motor drives, the new oscillator is arranged so of instrument has now been even further ex that an extension of the tuning dial shaft is panded in the form of a new RC oscillator that available at the rear of the cabinet. covers the entire 20 cps - 20 kc range in a single Automatic measurements are further facili dial sweep. This new test oscil tated by the fact that the dial calibration of lator thus simplifies and speeds the new oscillator is essentially logarithmic. testing of audio circuits and This factor is especially convenient for making devices of many kinds. The response of ampli automatic response measurements in which fiers, transformers, speakers and circuits can the response of the device under test is re all be checked over the entire audio range by corded or viewed on an oscilloscope. a single dial twist. In addition to the above features the oscil Automatic response measurements can also lator retains the basic advantages such as high be made with the new oscillator by equipping waveform purity, constancy of output over a it with an external motor drive. Such an ar wide range, high stability, high

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