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Agilent 1955-02 free download

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HEWLETT-PACKARD JOURNAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION FROM THE -hp- LABORATORIES Vol. 6 No. 6 ISHED BY THE HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 275 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA FEBRUARY, 1955 A New 10 MC to 12 KMC Coaxial Crystal Detector Mount ANEW general-purpose coaxial crystal de from the mount is provided at a negative polarity. tector mount has been developed to operate Either of the physically- identical 1N26A or over the entire range from 10 megacycles to 12.5 1N76 silicon crystals can be used in the mount, kilomegacycles. Since this range is essentially but it is supplied with a type 1N76 and this type the complete range practical is available for replacement purposes. To assist SEE ALSO: for coaxial systems, this one in obtaining the wide frequency range that the "New Decade Counters," p. 2 mount can be used for all or mount has, the crystals are modified by removing "New Matching Transformers," p. 4 dinary coaxial-system detec part of the outer shell. Crystals on which this tor applications. A feature of modification has been made are available for the mount is that it has been designed to have replacement purposes, although the modifica reduced sensitivity to variations in crystal char tion can also be made by the user. acteristics. Crystal detector mounts of this type are gen The new mount has a rated sensitivity of ap erally used in one of two applications: as de proximately 0.1 volt per milliwatt and a maxi modulators for pulse-modulated power where mum input power rating of 1 milliwatt. Its it is desired to view the pulse shape on an oscil frequency characteristic is such that its output is loscope, or as simple detectors of r-f power. In constant within approximately 4 db over the simple detector applications, the power can be rated frequency range for a constant applied either modulated or c-w. With modulated power power. Its VSWR does not exceed 3:1. Output the mount can be combined with a suitable a-c indicator such as a standing-wave indicator or

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