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Agilent 1955-07 free download

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HEWLETT-PACKARD JOURNAL T E C H N I C A L H^^HBH^^^^^^^^^BBBB^^H^^HBHHBHH^BI^BB I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M T H E - h p - L A B O R A T O R I E S Vol.6 No. 11 DISHED BY THE HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 275 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA JULY, 1955 A New 120 KC Industrial Counter for Measuring RPM, Velocity, Quantity, Flow, Etc. REQUENC Y counters are being used fixed sampling times. In addition, a panel more and more for making the precision jack is provided to permit the sampling time measurements important in industrial work. to be controlled by an external switch or Such measurements include the rpm of all relay. sorts of rotating devices, measurements of The new counter makes two types of meas velocity, length, pressure, etc. urements. First it will count externally-ap A compact new frequency counter has plied electrical events for an interval of been developed especially for such industrial 1/10 or 1 second as desired. The quantity it applications. This new instrument counts displays is thus equal to events per tenth sec frequencies or electrical events up to a maxi ond or per second. Second, if the manual mum rate of 120,000 per second. It is thus start-stop (gate) switch is used, the counter capable of counting the rpm of even the fast will totalize indefinitely as determined by est rotating devices. It is provided with a dis the switch instead of for a fixed interval. Or, play capacity of 9,999 counts and with sam if the panel jack is used with suitable exter pling times of 1/10 or 1 second which are nal contacts, the counter can be used, for ex selectable by the operator. A panel switch ample, to count the number of drum revolu further adds to the flexibility of the instru tions for a given rise in brake temperature

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