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Agilent English 2013-05-16 PDF 3.59 MB 5991-2061EN c20140811 [7] free download

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File name English _ 2013-05-16 _ PDF 3.59 MB 5991-2061EN c20140811 [7].pdf

Keysight Technologies Low Frequency RFID Tag Characterization Using the N9322C Basic Spectrum Analyzer (BSA) Application Note Abstract About RFID Tags The resonance frequency of a Radio frequency ID (RFID) systems rely on RFID tags, which are small tran- radio frequency identification sponders (a combined radio receiver and transmitter) that transmit identity (RFID) tag is a key factor that information over a short distance when asked. Generally, an RFID tag contains determines the effective radio two parts. One is an integrated circuit for storing and processing information, communication distance between and modulating and de-modulating an RF signal. Another part is an antenna for the tag and the reader. Measuring receiving and transmitting signals to the reader (see Figure 1). the resonance frequency of an RFID tag is easy using the Keysight The resonance frequency of the RFID tag is one of the key factors that impact Technologies, Inc. N9322C basic the effective communication distance between the reader and RFID tags. When spectrum analyzer (BSA). RFID tags are packaged, a non-contact coupling method can be used to measure their resonance frequencies, which corresponds to the negative peak of its return loss characteristic curve. Antenna Loop antenna IC Stimulus power Data RFID Reader Figure 1. An overview of an RFID system 2 Measuring a 13.56 MHz Passive RFID Tag with the N9322C Basic Spectrum Analyzer (BSA) The N9322C is a multi-use RF analyzer that spans to spectrum analysis, transmission measurement, and reflection measurement. By simply adding the tracking generator (Option TG7) and the reflection measurement application (Option RM7), the N9322C BSA is capable of measuring the return loss of RFID tags:

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