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Agilent 1954-03 free download

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HEWLETT' PACKARD JOURNAL T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M T H E . h p . L A B O R A T O R I E S ^B^^MB^^^^^H^^HH^H^^H^BB^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^H^^^^^^H^^^HI^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^BI^^^H^^^^^^H^^H Vol. 5 No. 7-8 SLISHED BY THE HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, 395 PAGE MILL ROAD, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA MAR. -APRIL, 1954 Frequency and Time Measurements With the New -hp- High Speed Counter A~iOUT three years ago -hp- introduced advantages of the counter led to require the 10-megacycle frequency counter. ments to extend the measurement range to This instrument was designed to simplify the higher and higher frequencies. Consequent problem of making precision measurements ly, -hp- recently introduced a frequency con of frequency. In place of conventional meas verter1 which enables measurements to be urement set-ups involving frequency stand made with the counter to 100 megacycles. ards, interpolation oscillators, mixers and As a result of further requirements for the oscilloscopes, the 1 0-megacycle counter was counter, it has now been provided with sev a single instrument that could by itself make eral companion instruments which permit precision frequency measurements automat frequency measurements to be made to 220 ically. In operation the counter was so sim megacycles and which permit time interval ple that with it non-technical personnel measurements to be made over a range from could make measurements in a fraction of 1 microsecond to 107 seconds. In addition, the time required for technical personnel to the counter itself has been mechanically re make the same measurements with an array designed to simplify the use of these instru of conventional equipment. ments. Although the 10-megacycle range of the counter includes the greater p

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