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HEWLETT PACKARD OPERATING AND SERVICE MANUAL 8671A SYNTHESIZER (Including Options 002, 003 and 005) SERIAL NUMBERS This manual applies directly to instruments with serial numbers prefixed 1704A. With the changes described in Section VII, this manual also applies to instruments with serial numbers prefixed 170IA, 1702A, and 1703A. For additional important information about serial numbers, see INSTR'UMENT COVERED BY MANUAL in Section I. COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER NOTICE Copyright - Agilent Technologies, Inc. Reproduced with the permission of Agilent Technologies Inc. Agilent Technologies, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Agilent Technologies, Inc. is not liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material or data. SYNTHESIZER instrum& containing improvements made after the printing o? the manual. To ufic this supplement: Make all ERRATA corrections Make all appropriate Serial "umber related changes indicated in the tables below. 1 through 10 1 through 6 ERRATA Pa@ 1.4, Paragraph 1.42: Add: If the instrument rack mounting slides are to be mounted in a standard &LA. rack, then B" adapter (HP part number 1494.0023) is needed. The slides without the adapter ca" be directly mounted in the Hewlett-Packard system enclosures. CPage 4-14, PROCEDURE, step 4: Change i" the last sentence 0.17 Vrms to 0.017 Vrms. ) Page 4-23, Paragraph 4.23, DESCRIPTION: Change in the first sentence, 100 MHz OUT to 10 MHz OUT. Page 5.9, PROCEDURE, Step 7 (Table of A3AlA2L4 Inductor Values): Change the HP part number of the .68 pH inductor to 9140-0141. Ic Page R-43, Figure S-35, (Service Sheet 3~A2): Change in lower right comer, the off page connection to CE) 9"AS. Page 8.51, Figure 8-47 (Service Sheet 7.A2): Delete, on A2AlOU25, the connections between pins 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6,7 and 12. Show pins 2,4,5, a"d 1.2 as no connection (NC). 27 March 8 Pages Model 8671A CONTENTS Section Section Page 1 GENERAL INFORMATION l-l 3.38.

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