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Agilent Choosing the Right Power Meter and Sensor Product Note Design and manufacturing engineering data transmissions, now demand processes for RF/microwave power measuring instruments and systems have reached a status un- sensors for average power, as well as dreamed of a decade ago. Wireless time-gated and peak power profiles communication engineers especially, and peak-to-average ratios, with all faced with aggressive project sched- those measurements delivered at high ules must quickly select and configure measurement-data rates. power measurement equipment which meets the accuracy and repeatability The Agilent Technologies' contribu- required by their innovative new mod- tion: unsurpassed accuracy and ulation formats. New wireless tech- repeatability--by design. nologies needed to support wideband In general, power sensors are This product note outlines applica- Not discussed is the Agilent family of designed to match user signals and tions considerations and the newest thermistor sensors and the associated modulation types. Power meters are sensor technologies available from Agilent 432A power meter. This ven- designed for matching the user's Agilent Technologies. It includes erable technology now is used almost measurement data requirements. Agilent's new power meters and fami- exclusively for the standardization That's why you can choose from a ly of peak and average sensors, and traceability of power measure- versatile line of 33 different power designed for pulsed power and the ments from the U.S. National Insti- sensors and 6 power meters from complex-modulation signals of wire- tute of Standards and Technology and Agilent Technologies, as shown in less communications markets. It also other international standards agen- table 1. In addition, Agilent offers reviews the families of thermocouple, cies. Since the Agilent 432A power many custom configurations for ATE diode, and two-path, diode-attenua- meter and thermistor sensor technol- system applications and other cali- tor-diode sensors. It discusses the ogy is based on the highly-precise bration, traceability and quality advantages and disadvantages of DC-substitution method, the sensors processes. each sensor technology as they apply are used as transfer standards, travel- to current and near-future wireless ling between the user's primary lab system advances. and the NIST measurement services

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