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Now downloading free:Agilent 5990-4819EN Keysight EEsof EDA EMPro c20141029 [10]

Agilent 5990-4819EN Keysight EEsof EDA EMPro c20141029 [10] free download

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Keysight EEsof EDA EMPro 3D Electromagnetic Modeling and Simulation Environment Integrated with your ADS Design Flow Application Note Introduction Electromagnetic Professional (EMPro) is a 3D modeling and simulation environment for analyzing the 3D electromagnetic (EM) effects of high-speed and RF/microwave components. EMPro features a modern design, simulation and analysis environment, high capacity time- and frequency-domain simulation technologies and integration with ADS, the industry's leading RF/microwave and high- speed design environment. Keysight EM Solution Overview EMPro delivers the following key capabilities: Modern, eficient 3D solid modeling environment EMPro provides the flexibility of drawing arbitrary 3D structures and the convenience of importing existing CAD files. You can create 3D shapes, add material properties, set up simulations, and view results--all within the EMPro environment. Time- and frequency-domain simulation technology 3D structures can be analyzed in EMPro using the same FEM simulator available in ADS. FEM is a frequency-domain technology widely used for RF/ microwave applications. For electrically large problems, such as antennas and some signal integrity analyses, the finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulator can be used. Integration with ADS Parameterized 3D components can be created in EMPro and placed in a layout design in ADS. The 3D FEM simulator in ADS can then be used to simulate the combination of the 2D layout and the 3D EM component. EMPro Environment ADS Platform Parameterized EM components from EMPro Layout objects from ADS FDTD simulator FEM simulator Momentum simulator Finite difference time domain

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