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Agilent 5990-4093EN English 2014-07-31 PDF 984 KB c20140922 [9] free download

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Keysight Technologies Strategies for Debugging Serial Bus Systems with Ininiium Oscilloscopes Application Note Who Should Read This Application Note? This application note is for digital designers in R&D working with both analog and digital components, including microcontroller and DSP systems using serial buses. This application note discusses the challenges associated with and new solutions for debugging serial bus designs including PCI-Express Generation 1, Inter Integrated Circuit (I2C), Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), or Universal Serial Bus (USB). Introduction The Keysight Technologies, Inc. Ininiium Oscilloscopes provide many of the features of protocol analyzers such as decode listings and protocol speciic triggering. However, a good question is "If protocol analyzers already exist, why is this capability needed?" First of all, having a single instrument that provides the capabilities of an oscilloscope, logic analyzer and protocol analyzer provides lots of advantages. First of all, there is the convenience of bench space. Why crowd your bench with three instruments when one will do? Secondly, even if you happen to have all three instruments handy, it is a hassle to turn on another instrument and set it up. A single "All-in-one" instrument saves time. Secondly, having a single instrument that provides both serial and analog capabilities means that serial problems can be traced back to their root cause. For example, if there is inter-symbol interference on a PCI-Express bus, the problem will show up as an invalid packet (and invalid symbol) in the decode listing. Just point at the problem in the listing and the corresponding waveform is shown on the screen. Without both serial and analog capabilities, it is dificult to tell what caused the invalid symbol. Another beneit of using oscilloscopes to debug serial buses is easy connectivity. There's no need for a standard port or special IO for connectivity. In addition, oscilloscope probes are passive while protocol analyzers typically provide re-transmit and re-timing. If physical layer problems exist, connecting the protocol analyzer can mask them. Finally, Ininiium Oscilloscopes are able to support a wide variety of protocols such as I2C, SPI, RS232, USB and PCI-Express. So the oscilloscope doesn't just replace a single protocol analyzer; it replaces a number of them. It is very common for Engineers to attempt to "mentally decode" waveforms because they don't have the right protocol analyzer at hand. This new capability eliminates this dificult process forever. 03 | Keysight | Strategies for Debugging Serial Bus Systems with Ininiium Oscilloscopes - Application Note Key Functionality

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