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SGS TDA8132 free download

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TDA8132 5.1V +12V DISABLE VOLTAGE REGULATOR . . . . . . . . OUTPUT CURRENTS UP TO 1A FIXED PRECISION OUTPUT 1 VOLTAGE 5.1V +/- 2% FIXED PRECISION OUTPUT 2 VOLTAGE 12V +/- 2% OUTPUT 1 WITH DISABLE BY TTL INPUT OUTPUT 2 WITH DISABLE BY TTL INPUT SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION AT BOTH OUTPUTS THERMAL PROTECTION LOW DROP OUTPUT VOLTAGE HEPTAWATT (Plastic Package) ORDER CODE : TDA8132 DESCRIPTION The TDA8132 is a monolithic dual positive voltage regulator designedto provide fixed precision output voltages of 5.1V and 12V at currents up to 1A. Each output can be disabled separately by a TTL input. Short circuit and thermal protections are included. PIN CONNECTIONS 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Tab. connected to Pin 4 OUTPUT1 OUTPUT2 DISABLE FOR OUTPUT 1 GROUND DISABLE FOR OUTPUT 2 INPUT 2 8132-01.EPS INPUT 1 January 1996 1/4 TDA8132 BLOCK DIAGRAM INPUT 1 1 INPUT 2 2 REFERENCE OUTPUT 1 7 OUTPUT 1 PROTECTION DISABLE 5 DISABLE DISABLE 3 DISABLE OUTPUT 2 6 OUTPUT 2 4 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The TDA8132 is a dual voltage regulator with separate Disable for each output. The two regulation parts are supplied from one voltage reference circuit trimmed by zener zap during EWS test. Since the supply voltage of this last is connected at Pin 1 (VIN1), the regulator 2 will not work if Pin 1 is ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol VIN VDIS IO1, 2 Pt Tstg Tj DC Input Voltage Pin 1 Disable Input Voltage Pins 3-5 Output Currents Power Dissipation Storage Temperature Junction Temperature Parameter Value 20 20 Internally Limited -65, +150 0, +150 o o not supplied. The outputs stage have been realized in darlington configuration with a drop typical 1.2V. For each output a disable circuit switches-off this output if a voltage lower than 0.8V is applied at corresponding Pin (Pin 3 for output 2, Pin 5 for output 1). Unit V V C C THERMAL DATA Rth (j-c) Tj Maximum Thermal Resistance Junction-case Maximum Recommended Junction Temperature 3 130 o C/W o C 2/4 8132-02.TBL Symbol Parameter Value Unit 8132-01.TBL Internally Limited 8132-02.EPS TDA8132 TDA8132 ELECTRICAL CHRACTERISTICS (VIN1 = 7V, VIN2 = 14V, Tj = 25oC, unless otherwise specified) Symbol VO1 VO2 VO1 VO2 VIO1,2 VO1,2LI Dropout Voltage Line Regulation Output Voltage Output Voltage Output Voltage Parameter Test Conditions IO1 = 10mA IO2 = 10mA 5mA < IO1,2 < 750mA 7V < VIN1 < 14V 14 < VIN2 < 18V IO1,2 = 750mA IO1,2 = 1A 7V < VIN1 < 14V 14 < VIN2 < 18V IO1,2 = 200mA 5mA < IO1 < 0.6A 5mA < IO2 < 0.6A IO1 = 10mA Output 2 Disabled Tj = 0 to 125 C VO 106 KO = T VO VIN1 = 7V, VIN2 = 14V VIN1,2 = 16V (see Note) 2 0.8 0V < VDIS < 7V -30 145 2 o Min. 5 11.76 4.9 11.5 Typ. 5.1 12 Max. 5.2 12.24 5.3 12.5 1.4 2 50 120 100 250 2 Unit V V V V V V mV mV mV mV mA ppm/ C o VO1,2LO IQ KO1,2 Load Regulation Quiescent Current Output Voltage Thermal Drift 100 IO1,2SC VDISH VDISL IDIS Tjsd Short Circuit Output Current Disable Voltage High (corresponding out active) Disable Voltage Low (corresponding out disabled) Disable

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