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Philips TDA8083 free download

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File name:TDA8083.pdf
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Model:TDA8083 🔎
Original:Datasheet 🔎
Descr:Satellite Demodulator and Decoder (SDD3)
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TDA8083 Satellite Demodulator and Decoder (SDD3) Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 1999 Jul 28 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Satellite Demodulator and Decoder (SDD3) FEATURES · One chip Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) (ETS300421) compliant demodulator and concatenated Viterbi and Reed-Solomon decoder with de-interleaver and de-randomizer · 3.3 V supply voltage · Relevant outputs are 5 V tolerant to ease interface to 5 V environment · Few external components for full application · On-chip crystal oscillator (4 MHz) and Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) for internal clock generation · Power-on reset module · QPSK/BPSK demodulator: ­ Different modulation schemes: Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) and Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) ­ Interpolator and internal anti-aliasing filter to handle variable symbol rates ­ Tuner Automatic Gain Control (AGC) control ­ Two on-chip matched 7-bit Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) ­ Square-root raised-cosine Nyquist ­ Maximum symbol frequency of 30 Msymbols/s ­ Can be used at low channel Signal-to-Noise Ratio (S/R) ­ Internal full digital carrier recovery, clock recovery and AGC loops with programmable loop filters ­ Two carrier recovery loops enabling optimum phase noise suppression ­ S/R estimation. · Viterbi decoder: ­ Rate 1/2 convolutional code based ­ Constraint length K = 7 with G1 = 171oct and G2 = 133oct ­ Supported puncturing code rates: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/ , 7/ and 8/ 7 8 9 ­ 4-bit `soft decision' inputs for both I and Q ­ Truncation length of 144 ­ Automatic synchronization to detect puncturing rate and spectral inversion ­ Channel Bit Error Rate (BER) estimation from 10-2 to 10-8 ­ Differential decoding optional. · Reed-Solomon (RS) decoder: TDA8083 ­ (204, 188, T = 8) Reed-Solomon code ­ Automatic synchronization of bytes, transport packets and frames ­ Internal convolutional de-interleaving (I = 12; using internal memory) ­ De-randomizer based on Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) ­ External indication of uncorrectable error (transport error indicator is set) ­ Indication of the number of lost blocks ­ Indication of the number of corrected blocks. · Interface: ­ I2C-bus interface initializes and monitors the demodulator and Forward Error Correction (FEC) decoder; a default mode is defined ­ 6-bit I/O expander for flexible access to and from the I2C-bus ­ I2C-bus configurable interrupt input ­ Switchable I2C-bus loop-through to suppress I2C-bus crosstalk in the tuner ­ Digital Satellite Equipment Control (DiSEqC) 1.X, tone burst generation and tone mode with a 22 or 44 kHz carrier ­ Parallel or serial output mode for MPEG transport stream (3-state mode also possible) ­ Standby mode for reduced power consumption. · Package: QFP100 · Boundary scan test. APPLICATIONS · Digital satellite TV: demodulation and FEC. 1999 Jul 28 2 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Satellite Demodulator and Decoder (SDD3) GENE

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