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Now downloading free:Agilent 5990-9642EN N9077A & W9077A WLAN X-Series Measurement Application - Technical Overview c20140609 [19

Agilent 5990-9642EN N9077A & W9077A WLAN X-Series Measurement Application - Technical Overview c20140609 [19 free download

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File name 5990-9642EN N9077A & W9077A WLAN X-Series Measurement Application - Technical Overview c20140609 [19

WLAN 802.11a/b/g/n/ac X-Series Measurement Application N9077A & W9077A Technical Overview Perform WLAN spectrum and modulation measurements based on IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 802.11ac 20/40/80/160 MHz and 80+80 MHz Perform one-button, standard-based measurements with pass/fail tests Hardkey/softkey manual user interface and SCPI remote user interface Built-in, context-sensitive help Move application between X-Series signal analyzers with transportable licensing WLAN 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Measurement Application The WLAN measurement applica- eliminating measurement switching nal analysis that ensures repeatable tion transforms the X-Series and reconfiguration for disparate results and measurement integrity signal analyzers into IEEE 802.11 bursts. so you can leverage your test system standard-based WLAN transmitter software through all phases of prod- testers by adding fast, one-button The Agilent X-Series is an evolution- uct development. In addition to fixed, RF conformance measurements that ary approach to signal analysis that perpetual licenses for our X-Series will help you design, evaluate, and spans instrumentation, measure- measurement applications, we also manufacture your WLAN transmit- ments, and software. The X-Series offer transportable licenses which ter. The software's capabilities are analyzers, with upgradeable CPU, can increase the value of your invest- further enhanced because it is closely memory, disk drives, and I/O ports, ment by allowing to you transport aligned with the IEEE standards-- enable you to keep your test assets the application to multiple X-Series including a/b/g/n/ac as well as current and extend instrument analyzers. The WLAN measurement j/p/a-turbo--allowing you to stay longevity. Proven algorithms, 100% application is just one in a common on the leading edge of design and code-compatibility, and a common UI library of more than 25 measurement manufacturing challenges. A list across the X-Series create a consis- applications. sequence capability speeds testing by tent measurement framework for sig- Real-time spectrum Choosing Between X-Series Applications analysis for WLAN and 89600 VSA Software 802.11ac X-Series measurement applications provide embedded format-specific, one- button measurements for X-Series analyzers. With fast measurement speed, Adding real-time spectrum analysis to SCPI programmability, pass/fail testing and simplicity of operation, these a PXA or MXA signal analyzer

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