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Now downloading free:Agilent 5991-1351EN Increase Multi-Antenna Array Test Throughput with the Keysight M9703A AXIe Digitizer - A

Agilent 5991-1351EN Increase Multi-Antenna Array Test Throughput with the Keysight M9703A AXIe Digitizer - A free download

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File name:5991-1351EN Increase Multi-Antenna Array Test Throughput with the Keysight M9703A AXIe Digitizer - A
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Model:5991-1351EN Increase Multi-Antenna Array Test Throughput with the Keysight M9703A AXIe Digitizer - A 🔎
Original:5991-1351EN Increase Multi-Antenna Array Test Throughput with the Keysight M9703A AXIe Digitizer - A 🔎
Descr: Agilent 5991-1351EN Increase Multi-Antenna Array Test Throughput with the Keysight M9703A AXIe Digitizer - Application Br c20140717 [4].pdf
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File name 5991-1351EN Increase Multi-Antenna Array Test Throughput with the Keysight M9703A AXIe Digitizer - A

Keysight Technologies Increase Multi-Antenna Array Test Throughput with the M9703A AXIe Digitizer Application Note Abstract Smart antenna architectures incorporating multiple antenna elements in an array are used in many applications. Wireless communications standards like 802.11ac, radio astronomy and array RADARs are all examples of applications where multiple antennas are employed for various requirements derived from spatial signal pro- cessing. Though the types of processing used and beamforming techniques differ by application, there is a common test challenge. It is difficult to align the antennas in an array in phase and amplitude so they can be used together effectively. As the number of antennas increase in an array, the test time to do the alignment increases drastically. This application note addresses the challenge of aligning the antennas in an array precisely, while reducing test time. The note also provides details on a multichannel, phase coherent test solution which can be customized to quickly and precisely align antenna elements in an active array, both in phase and amplitude. This test solution is built from modular components and is easily scalable to the number of antennas in the array being tested. Further, it provides parallelism to the test process to increase test throughput. The test system described offers flexibility to provide good sensitivity in both the wideband and narrowband measurement scenarios using the same hardware. 02 | Keysight | Increase Multi-Antenna Array Test Throughput with the M9703A AXIe Digitizer

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