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Now downloading free:Agilent Rapid Calibration of Area Function and Frame Stiffness with Express Test1 - Application Note 5991-14

Agilent Rapid Calibration of Area Function and Frame Stiffness with Express Test1 - Application Note 5991-14 free download

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File name:Rapid Calibration of Area Function and Frame Stiffness with Express Test1 - Application Note 5991-14
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File name Rapid Calibration of Area Function and Frame Stiffness with Express Test1 - Application Note 5991-14

Keysight Technologies Rapid Calibration of Area Function and Frame Stiffness with Express Test1 Application Note Introduction calibrations are distinctive because they involve actually using the The Keysight Technologies, Inc. indenter to make indentations into a G200 NanoIndenter performs a standard material. Thus, they are the specific kind of mechanical test last calibrations to be performed and known as instrumented indentation. they are often performed by the user. Instrumented indentation testing These calibrations are not unique (IIT) involves pressing a hard to Keysight systems--they are a indenter of known shape and elastic necessary aspect of testing with any properties into a test material while instrumented indentation system. continuously measuring both force and displacement. Mechanical Conceptually, one may think about properties, including Young's modulus the instrument frame as a spring in and hardness, are derived from these series with the contact as illustrated fundamental measurements. Because schematically in Figure 1. Physically, IIT naturally lends itself to evaluating the instrument frame includes the materials on the scale of nanometers, indenter column, fixturing for the it is also commonly known as indenter tip and sample, translation "nanoindentation". mechanisms, gantry, and connections between all these parts. The objective A number of calibration processes of the frame-stiffness calibration is to are required in order to bring an determine a single value, Kf, which instrumented indentation system characte

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