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Now downloading free:Agilent Device Evaluation using the Keysight B2961A B2962A Ultra Low Noise DC Source-flyer 5991-1420EN c2012

Agilent Device Evaluation using the Keysight B2961A B2962A Ultra Low Noise DC Source-flyer 5991-1420EN c2012 free download

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File name:Device Evaluation using the Keysight B2961A B2962A Ultra Low Noise DC Source-flyer 5991-1420EN c2012
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File name Device Evaluation using the Keysight B2961A B2962A Ultra Low Noise DC Source-flyer 5991-1420EN c2012

Device Evaluation using the Agilent B2961/B2962A Ultra Low Noise DC Source Agilent B2961A/B2962A 6.5 digit Low Noise Power Source For applications requiring clean DC voltage and current sources Design engineers working in many different areas face ever-decreasing operating voltages and lower design margins, which necessitate higher precision power supplies and sources. Some of these applications include: Oscillator ICs (PLL, VCO, etc.) & Oscillation Devices Sensing Devices & Transducers For these devices frequency varies with applied DC voltage, so any voltage source noise A low noise voltage source is required for the sensor interface and at the analog inputs of the strongly impacts device evaluation results peripheral circuitry. Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ICs Energy Generating Devices & Circuits Decreasing power supply voltages and higher resolution requirements mandate a low A battery monitoring circuit needs a clean voltage source to emulate the battery cell, which noise voltage source at the ADC input during design evaluation intrinsically generates very low noise. Agilent B2961/62A Low Noise Power Source Ultra Low Noise Filter Option for B2961/62A The Agilent B2961A and B2962A are low noise power sources that can source either voltage Using the Ultra Low Noise Filter (ULNF) with the Agilent B2961A or B2962A allows ultra- or current while also monitoring them. They can source voltage and current with 6.5 digits of clean voltage sourcing. This accessory reduces the noise level down to 10 mVrms resolution, which is essential for a variety of measurement applications. (10 Hz to 20 MHz) for voltages and currents up to 42 V and 105 mA. Moreover, integrated remote sensing circuitry ensures that the output voltage remains true to the setting value. Source value set with 6.5 digits of resolution Agilent B2961A/2962A Agilent B2961A/B2962A R

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