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Now downloading free:Agilent Techniques for Precise Interference Measurements in the Field - Application Note 5991-0418EN c201407

Agilent Techniques for Precise Interference Measurements in the Field - Application Note 5991-0418EN c201407 free download

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File name:Techniques for Precise Interference Measurements in the Field - Application Note 5991-0418EN c201407
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File name Techniques for Precise Interference Measurements in the Field - Application Note 5991-0418EN c201407

Keysight Technologies Techniques for Precise Interference Measurements in the Field Using FieldFox Handheld Analyzers Application Note This application note discusses the different kinds of interference that operators will encounter in both current and new wireless environments. It introduces eficient and effective measurement techniques and instrument requirements for testing interference using modern high- performance spectrum analyzers such as Keysight Technologies, Inc. FieldFox analyzers, which have the versatility and durability to make accurate measurements quickly in the ield in harsh conditions and hard- to-reach locations. The classiications for different types of interference including in-band, co-channel, out-of-band and adjacent channel interference will also be discussed. Carry precision with you. Introduction Operators of microwave systems frequently encounter interference from cellular systems and data links. Due to the scarcity of radio frequency spectrum, demands are often placed on wireless communication systems to operate under a limited amount of radio interference. Many existing wireless systems control and operate portions of the frequency spectrum through licensing with regulatory agencies. Licensed operation grants the service provider the right to determine the technology employed for the service offered and is also protected against harmful interference from other wireless services and service providers. Licensed wireless systems operate over a wide range of RF and microwave carrier frequencies. Licensed systems include LTE cellular, which operates with carrier frequencies typically below 2 GHz, direct broadcast satellite operating at 12 GHz for the down- link and 17 GHz for the uplink, and point-to-point backhaul systems operating in the 23 GHz band. When attempting to squeeze a large number of users on to a limited band of licensed spectrum, co-channel and adjacent channel interference are often created within the system. Unlicensed operation, on the other hand, is treated as part of an open access resource and when the demand for spectrum increases, the system interference increases and reduces the quality of service for all users. Examples of unlicensed systems include the popular Wi-Fi, Bluetooth

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