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Now downloading free:Agilent 5990-5054EN Keysight Medalist i3070 In-Circuit Test System Onsite Calibration Service c20140829 [2]

Agilent 5990-5054EN Keysight Medalist i3070 In-Circuit Test System Onsite Calibration Service c20140829 [2] free download

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File name:5990-5054EN Keysight Medalist i3070 In-Circuit Test System Onsite Calibration Service c20140829 [2].
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File name 5990-5054EN Keysight Medalist i3070 In-Circuit Test System Onsite Calibration Service c20140829 [2].

Keysight Technologies Medalist i3070 In-Circuit Test System Onsite Calibration Service Keysight Onsite System Calibration for Improved Conidence Technical Overview Calibration is one of the critical includes a full set of `pre-adjustment' factors that affect the accuracy and calibration measurements data using There are several ways to buy repeatability of any electronic mea- accredited calibrated-traceable instru- Keysight's calibration services, surement system. As components ments. Whenever ASRU adjustments each with its own advantages. age and equipment experience are required, a second complete set Choose the purchase option changes in temperature or mechani- of data is recorded after all adjust- that best suits your needs. cal stress, system performance will ments have been completed. These Refer to the literature Choose gradually degrade. `pre-adjustment' measurements the Services that Best Fit your are stored and later printed on the Needs, literature part number The Keysight Technologies, Inc. onsite calibration certificate. They will 5990-3431EN, which can be system calibration ensures that your show whether your i3070 system found at Keysight Medalist i3070 in-circuit test was within specifications when you find/systemsupport (ICT) will perform optimally on your last used it. This allows you to make production floor, providing you with an informed assessment about the that `as good as new' confidence validity of the testing you had been level in your testing integrity. performing on your products while System calibration key the i3070 system was not performing deliverables This service is performed during to specification. An i3070 system that office hours at your convenience, is out of specification may negatively and with minimum disruption to the affect test coverage by causing bad Measure before calibrate production schedule. This service parts to pass and good parts to fail. includes all testing prescribed by Keysight to certify that the i3070 system is performing to specifica- The certificate can prove not only that the system meets specifications + ASRU calibration and data store tions. A system calibration ensures after the ASRU adjustments, but also that the i3070 system meets specifi- cations when performing both analog th

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