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Descr: Keithley 2001M CDROM Digital Multimeters - Data Acquisition - Switch Systems Product Information CD_Content pdfs app_notes 4073-1,0.pdf
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Model 2001 Quick Reference SCPI Guide Roger Chaplin June 4, 1993 Introduction The Model 2001 DMM is the most flexible and capable instrument ever produced by Keithley. The user has direct access to many control settings in the Model 2001 which are hidden from his reach in older instruments. This increased capability does, however, produce increased complexity. To help accommodate this increased complexity, the Model 2001 incorporates the SCPI command set. Because the Model 2001 presents many more control points to the user, it generally requires more commands than its older counterparts to perform comparable tasks. Also, since the command set in Model 2001 is much larger than that of an older instrument, finding the right commands to do the job is more difficult. Finally, SCPI command names are longer than command names in our older instruments, sometimes by a great deal. This paper is a quick introduction to SCPI in the Model 2001. Its goal is threefold: 1. Describe the syntax of SCPI commands, and their documentation in the User Manual. Included are descriptions of short forms and default nodes, which can help you reduce the amount of data you have to send to the instrument, thereby improving the performance of your test system. 2. Provide some small simple programs which cause the Model 2001 to perform some simple, commonly-used tasks. These are: * Change function and range * Do one-shot triggering * Do continuous triggering * Generate SRQ on buffer full * Store readings in the buffer and then read them out * Take readings using the scanner 3. Describe the SCPI commands used in the example programs sufficiently that you can extend or otherwise modify the programs to suit your needs. SCPI Command Syntax Tree Structure SCPI commands are organized in a tree structure, similar to disk directories in most modern computer operating systems. Each level in the hierarchy is called a subsystem. For example, here is the Model 2001 SENSe1 subsystem (which controls the acquisition of readings - the SENSe2 subsystem is the rear panel digital input): [SENSe[1]] :DATA? :FUNCtion "" :VOLTage :DC :RANGe [:UPPer] :AUTO | ONCE :REFerence :STATe :ACQuire The command summary table is the usual way of documenting SCPI commands, but it does not show the complete command names. The complete command name is formed by joining together the components of the name. For example, the complete name of the :STATe command is SENSe1:VOLTage:DC:REFerence:STATe. (The square brackets are not part

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