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Now downloading free:Agilent 5990-8968EN N8815A Infiniium protocol viewer software for the 90000A and 90000 X-Series Oscilloscope

Agilent 5990-8968EN N8815A Infiniium protocol viewer software for the 90000A and 90000 X-Series Oscilloscope free download

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File name:5990-8968EN N8815A Infiniium protocol viewer software for the 90000A and 90000 X-Series Oscilloscope
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Model:5990-8968EN N8815A Infiniium protocol viewer software for the 90000A and 90000 X-Series Oscilloscope 🔎
Original:5990-8968EN N8815A Infiniium protocol viewer software for the 90000A and 90000 X-Series Oscilloscope 🔎
Descr: Agilent 5990-8968EN N8815A Infiniium protocol viewer software for the 90000A and 90000 X-Series Oscilloscopes c20141023 [8].pdf
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File name 5990-8968EN N8815A Infiniium protocol viewer software for the 90000A and 90000 X-Series Oscilloscope

Keysight Technologies N8815A Ininiium 64b/66b 10Gbase-KR Ethernet Decoder Software for the 90000A and 90000 X-Series Oscilloscopes Data Sheet Introduction 64b/66b encoding is a principal line code that is used in data networking and transmission. 64b/66b encoding is the principal encoding scheme behind the 10Gbase-KR (x1/x4) technology as it achieves DC balance across a serial stream. The 64b/66b encoding also has less overhead than the 8b/10b encoding scheme. Keysight Technologies, Inc. N8815A Infiniium protocol viewer software for 10 Gbase-KR Ethernet is the only 64b/66b protocol analyzer technology available on a real time oscilloscope, providing time-correlated views of physical layer and transaction layer errors. You get packet-level decode for 64b/66b Ethernet signals built into a real-time oscilloscope. This software provides you with a fast, easy way to isolate signal integrity problems from logic-level coding errors simultaneously on up to four lanes of serial data streams. This capability allows you to test, debug and characterize your designs to the logic and link layer. The N8815A Infiniium protocol analyzer software is designed to work with 10 Gbase-KR Ethernet technologies. It also comes with the unique ability to identify PRBS signal lengths to verify the correct signals are being passed though the DUT. Features Comprehensive Decode Capability The N8815A Infiniium protocol viewer software offers With the N8815A Infiniium 64b/66b protocol analyzer several features to simplify the validation of your 64b/66b software, you can use the same oscilloscope you use for designs: everyday debugging and signal quality testing to perform

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