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Now downloading free:Agilent 5991-0799EN Capture Highest DDR3 Data Rates Using Advanced Probe Settings - Technical Overview c2014

Agilent 5991-0799EN Capture Highest DDR3 Data Rates Using Advanced Probe Settings - Technical Overview c2014 free download

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File name:5991-0799EN Capture Highest DDR3 Data Rates Using Advanced Probe Settings - Technical Overview c2014
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File name 5991-0799EN Capture Highest DDR3 Data Rates Using Advanced Probe Settings - Technical Overview c2014

Keysight Technologies Capture Highest DDR3/4 and LPDDR3/4 Data Rates Using Advanced Probe Settings on Logic Analyzers Technical Overview 02 | Keysight | Capture Highest DDR3/4 and LPDDR3/4 Data Rates Using Advanced Probe Settings on Logic Analyzers - Technical Overview Purpose of Advanced Probe Settings Mode Keysight Technologies, Inc. logic analyzer module inputs are optimized to provide a flat input bandwidth from DC to the specified limit when used with Advantage of Advanced Keysight probes designed with specific tip resistor capacitor networks. Probe Settings Mode Occasionally, probing techniques involve additional tip isolation resistors to Advanced Probe Settings (APS) interface to the system under test. System interfaces using additional tip mode on Keysight logic analyz- isolation resistors, such as DDR BGA (Ball Grid Array) interposers, can provide ers enables significantly higher additional high-frequency attenuation on the sampled signals to the logic DDR3/4 and LPDDR3/4 data rate analyzer. This additional attenuation can result in smaller data valid windows captures from BGA probing. observed on the logic analyzer at DDR/LPDDR data rates over 1333 Mb/s. To compensate for this additional attenuation, Keysight has included a mode Example: Using W3633A (x4 referred to as APS (Advanced Probe Settings) that peaks the edges of the input and x8) or W3631A (x16) DDR3 signals to the logic analyzer. This peaking can improve the capture window of BGA probes and with either the signals to the logic analyzer. U4154A or 16962A logic analyzers, APS mode enables As an example: Evaluation has shown larger data valid windows to the logic data rate captures up to the analyzer when using the APS mode with DDR BGA interposers at speeds of rates shown below. DDR3-1333 Mb/s and higher. The eye openings presented to the user from the sample positions window are enlarged (compared to eye openings without APS enabled). Larger eye openings allow the user to set sample positions for State mode capture for data rates up to DDR3 2400 Mb/s 1. DDR3 data rate with APS

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