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Now downloading free:Agilent 5990-7626EN Leverage the Genius Inside Wrap your OEM products around Keysight 2527s high-speed digit

Agilent 5990-7626EN Leverage the Genius Inside Wrap your OEM products around Keysight 2527s high-speed digit free download

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File name:5990-7626EN Leverage the Genius Inside Wrap your OEM products around Keysight_2527s high-speed digit
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Model:5990-7626EN Leverage the Genius Inside Wrap your OEM products around Keysight 2527s high-speed digit 🔎
Original:5990-7626EN Leverage the Genius Inside Wrap your OEM products around Keysight 2527s high-speed digit 🔎
Descr: Agilent 5990-7626EN Leverage the Genius Inside Wrap your OEM products around Keysight_2527s high-speed digitizer technology c20140207 [8].pdf
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File name 5990-7626EN Leverage the Genius Inside Wrap your OEM products around Keysight_2527s high-speed digit

Leverage the Genius Inside Wrap your OEM products around Agilent's high-speed digitizer technology Leverage the Genius Inside Every new product takes shape in a different way, but all share a common issue: Tradeoffs must be made in the pursuit of metrics such as time-to-market, competitive pricing and profit margin. The pursuit of those goals often involves another important choice: Design in- house or buy off-the-shelf. As you weigh the choices, consider Agilent. We're known for test and measurement equipment that offers industry-leading performance, accuracy and reliability. Those same attributes are built into Agilent high-speed digitizers that can be designed into your end-user products. Whether you choose to do the integration on your own or with our help, we can help you create a cost-effective solution that minimizes project risk and accelerates your time-to-market. Work with us--and leverage the genius embedded inside our products. Reduce the risks--today and tomorrow The net result is a lower cost of integration that comes from reduced development time, greater reuse Whether you're the product architect or project man- of designs and the advantages of open architectures, ager, our technology can enhance the products you're including future upgradeability. This forward-looking creating. When you choose our high-speed digitizer approach will help you shape future solutions faster, technologies, your projects can benefit in five important too. ways:

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