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Now downloading free:Agilent 5991-2243EN Keysight EEsof EDA Software and Modular Solutions for Universities c20140909 [22]

Agilent 5991-2243EN Keysight EEsof EDA Software and Modular Solutions for Universities c20140909 [22] free download

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File name 5991-2243EN Keysight EEsof EDA Software and Modular Solutions for Universities c20140909 [22].pdf

Keysight EEsof EDA Software and Modular Solutions for Universities Keysight for Universities Topics Page Overview of Keysight's Academics Program 03 Keysight EEsof EDA University Educational Donations 05 Educational Support Programs for Educators, Students, 06 and Researchers Tools to Accelerate your Research 10 Software Enabling Communications Design Flow 11 Applications for Education and Research: Antenna Array 12 Research and Design Instrumentation 16 Resources for Lecturers, Researchers and Students 19 Seven Decades Innovating Across Boundaries 20 03 | Keysight | EEsof EDA Software and Modular Solutions for Universities - Brochure Overview of Keysight's Academics Program Education and Research for the Next Generation Our Commitment to You... Premier Keysight Technologies, Inc. will continue to support As the world's premier measurement company, Keysight universities world wide. There is no better way for students works in close collaboration with engineers, scientists to prepare for the real world than building skills that will and researchers around the globe to meet the communi- be in demand wherever their talent and interests lead. cations, electronics, life sciences and chemical analysis That is one of the many reasons why Keysight EEsof EDA, challenges of today and tomorrow. Keysight is committed the leading supplier of Electronic Design Automation to providing innovative measurement solutions that enable (EDA) software for communications product design, has our electronics and bio-analytical customers and part- supported Universities worldwide for over twenty ive ners--the leaders in their ields--to deliver the products years with programs that make our products easy to and services that make a measurable difference in the integrate into engineering studies. lives of people everywhere. Reliable Keysight works closely with academia, government, and industry to provide the tools that enable development of new technology and supports the scientiic

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