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Now downloading free:Agilent 5991-2401EN U7249C and U7249D MIPI M-PHY 252C Conformance Test Software for Infiniium Oscilloscopes

Agilent 5991-2401EN U7249C and U7249D MIPI M-PHY 252C Conformance Test Software for Infiniium Oscilloscopes free download

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File name:5991-2401EN U7249C and U7249D MIPI M-PHY_252C Conformance Test Software for Infiniium Oscilloscopes
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Model:5991-2401EN U7249C and U7249D MIPI M-PHY 252C Conformance Test Software for Infiniium Oscilloscopes 🔎
Original:5991-2401EN U7249C and U7249D MIPI M-PHY 252C Conformance Test Software for Infiniium Oscilloscopes 🔎
Descr: Agilent 5991-2401EN U7249C and U7249D MIPI M-PHY_252C Conformance Test Software for Infiniium Oscilloscopes - Data Sheet c20140829 [11].pdf
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File name 5991-2401EN U7249C and U7249D MIPI M-PHY_252C Conformance Test Software for Infiniium Oscilloscopes

Keysight Technologies U7249C and U7249D MIPI M-PHY Conformance Test Software for Infiniium Oscilloscopes Data Sheet Validate and debug the electrical performance of your embedded MIPI M-PHYSM data links, including DigRF v4SM, UniProSM, LLISM, UFS, CSI-3, SSIC and M-PCIe protocols quickly and easily Introduction The Keysight Technologies, Inc. MIPI M-PHY conformance test software for Infiniium oscilloscopes gives you a fast, easy way to validate and debug your embedded M-PHY data links. The M-PHY electrical test software allows you to automatically execute M-PHY electrical checklist tests for DigRF v4, UniPro, LLI, UFS, CSI-3, SSIC and M-PCIe architectures, and displays the results in a flexible report format. In addition to the measurement data, the report provides margin analysis that shows how closely your product passed or failed each test. The M-PHY conformance test software performs a wide range of tests required to meet the physical layer requirements per Section 5.1 of the MIPI Alliance Specification for M-PHY v3.1 and M-PHY Conformance Test Suite (CTS) v3.0. The M-PHY conformance test software helps you execute the most difficult physical layer tests for transmitters (TX tests only) that can be measured with a 6 GHz or higher-bandwidth realtime oscilloscope. Although there are not currently any requirements for physical layer compliance verification, it is highly recommended that every MIPI M-PHY link be tested against the limits of the physical layer specification to ensure that it is compliant to the specification and to minimize concerns with protocol level interoperability. Features Easy Test Definition The M-PHY conformance test software offers several The M-PHY conformance test software extends the ease- features to simplify design validation: of-use advantages of Keysight's Infiniium oscilloscopes to

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