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Now downloading free:Agilent 5991-1866EN Medalist i1000D Small Foot Print In-Circuit Test - Technical Overview c20140829 [6]

Agilent 5991-1866EN Medalist i1000D Small Foot Print In-Circuit Test - Technical Overview c20140829 [6] free download

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Keysight Technologies Medalist i1000D Small Foot Print In-Circuit Test Technical Overview 02 | Keysight | Medalist i1000D Small Foot Print In-Circuit Test - Technical Overview Overview Uniied Ofline and Inline Platform The Keysight Technologies, Inc. The i1000D can now be deployed Keysight has unified both the i1000D Medalist i1000D in-circuit test (ICT) with offline and inline configuration small foot print offline system and system is a revolutionary platform to provide electronics manufacturers inline system into the same platform. with best-in-class price-performance with even greater ease of use and Customers will be able to purchase offerings. It comes with award-win- flexibility in their automated in-circuit an offline system with the possibility ning state-of-the-art features to test strategy. Coupled with low-cost to move it to inline usage when auto- answer most test challenges faced fixturing requirements and superior mation is needed. All previous invest- by today's manufacturers. Advanced signal quality, these result in signif- ments, including test system, fixturing limited access test features, coupled icant improvements in throughput, and programming are protected in with a simplified, automated software coverage and cost savings for elec- this platform. model, shortens the learning curve of tronics manufacturers. new users. When it is in offline configuration, the i1000D small foot print ICT is not only Field evaluations have demonstrated a true digital ICT with advanced digi- that the i1000D delivers the fastest tal features for production run, users ramp up of test coverage among all can also develop test programs and similar-category testers. fixtures which can be re-used should they decide to deploy the system As the pressure to lower labor costs

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