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Now downloading free:Keithley 445-1,0

Keithley 445-1,0 free download

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Descr: Keithley 2001M CDROM Digital Multimeters - Data Acquisition - Switch Systems Product Information CD_Content pdfs data_sheets 445-1,0.pdf
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INSTRUMENT ACCESSORIES Function and Scanning Options FUNCTIONS AND SCANNING OPTIONS SELECTOR GUIDE MODEL NAME USE WITH: 2000-SCAN 10-Channel Scanner Card 2000, 2001, 2002, 2010* 2001-SCAN 10-Channel Scanner Card 2000, 2001, 2002, 2010* 2001-TCSCAN 9-Channel Scanner Card 2000, 2001, 2002, 2010 2000-SCAN-20** 20-Channel Scanner Card 2000-20 6521 10-Channel Scanner Card 6517A 6522 10-Channel Scanner Card 6517A * NOTE: The 2000-SCAN will operate in all four models as a 10-channel scanner, but does not have the two high-speed solid state channels required by the 2001 and 2002 Ratio and Delta modes. The 2001-SCAN will operate as a 10-channel scan- ner in all four models, but the 2000 and 2010 cannot utilize the two high-speed solid state channels. ** Replacement card for 2000-20 DMM/Scanner combination. See page 46 for specifications. Model 2000-SCAN: A 10-channel scanner Model 2001-SCAN: A 10-channel scanner Model 2001-TCSCAN: Provides nine chan- that installs into the option slot on any 2000 containing eight relay inputs and two solid nels of cold-junction compensated temper- Series DMM. Multiplex one of ten 2-pole or state inputs. Multiplex one of ten 2-pole or ature measurements and/or voltage, resis- one of five 4-pole signals into the Model one of five 4-pole signals into the Model tance, and frequency measurements when 2000 or 2010 and/or any combination of 2- 2000, 2001, 2002, or 2010 DMM and/or any installed in a 2000, 2001, 2002, or 2010 or 4-pole signals. Contact potential is typi- combination of 2- or 4-pole signals. Two DMM. (See specific instrument for TC types cally less than 500nV per contact pair (1

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