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THOMSON VP4701 free download

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File name 1998014en.pdf

TECHNICAL INFORMATION Chassis concerned : R6000 - R7000 Model equipped with LL' Standard only Subject : Improving the response of the Automatic Gain Control circuit. Symptom / Problem observed : Picture flashing. Cause : Response time of Automatic Gain Control circuit too slow when receiving strong signals. Solution implemented : Change the value of capacitor CI050 from 100nF to 56nF +/- 10% 16V, Part No. 20703690.
File name 1998021en.pdf

TECHNICAL INFORMATION Finished products / Chassis concerned : R6000 according to the attached list. Symptom/ Problem observed : In any mode of operation the VCR can switch itself "OFF" and enter the security mode (locked), once in this mode none of the front panel key functions will respond. Solution implemented : In the case of repetitive failures it is now possible to change the software at the same time as the EEPROM. The new software (OTP technology) will prevent this failure happening again, the appropriate version with its reference number is given in the table for each group of products. In few months we will have a special EEPROM that will cure the problem of locked VCR's, thereby making replacement of the micro processor unnecessary. For this reason we recommand that the micro processor is not replaced at this stage. IRIS CODE : The code mentioned below must be used to report the failure in the warranty sheet. to make your report easier and more reliable. Condition/ Symptom/ 1 1 1 D * 2 Part Code Number * 0 * 3 * 1 * 6 * 8 * 7 * 0 Qty 0 0 1 1 I I Position T T 0 0 0 0 1 4 Section It is proposed Fault Code 1 N Repair Code 2 A C H A C H A You do not need to write anything in the white boxes (*) Part code number according to the table for the concerned mod LIST OF CONCERNED PRODUCTS R6000 SW D1TK-2 P/No. 20958920 Comm. ref. Indust. Ref. VP2750 R6015CER VP4750 R6045CER VR8027 R6414CER VR8047 R6444CER VK130PS R6702PSR VK231PS R6704PSR VK431PS R6744PSR SW D1S-1 P/No. 20958930 Comm. ref. Indust. Ref. VP2701 R6014GR VP4701 R6044GR M9720 R6124GR VR8023 R6414GR VR8043 R6444GR SW D1B-1 P/No. 20951830 Comm. ref. Indust. Ref. V2700 R6003MER V4700 R6043MER SW D1SG-1 P/No. 20958940 Comm. ref. Indust. Ref. VR8020 R6404GR1 SW D1F-1 P/No. 20958950 Comm. ref. Indust. Ref. FV200LV R6324UR
File name 1999031en.pdf

Customer Service Europe 7(&+1,&$/ ,1)250$7,21 1 LVVXHG The following information is relative to a modification implemented in the product to improve performances or to eliminate specific problem met on the field. )LQLVKHG SURGXFWV &KDVVLV FRQFHUQHG 9&5 7 93+93+*93+8 6\PSWRP 3UREOHP REVHUYHG With nexTView link feature wrong data are transmitted from TV to VCR and programming is incorrect 6ROXWLRQ LPSOHPHQWHG The solution is to change the KDB µP, by version T5T-1 mask number 6853 (Part N° 21029270) . 1RWD 7KLV YHUVLRQ KDV EHHQ XVHG LQ PDQXIDFWXULQJ VLQFH 0D\ ,5,6 &2'( the code mentioned below has to be used to report the failure in the warranty sheet. It is proposed to make your report easier and more reliable. Condition/ symptom 1 1 7 5 Part code number 2 1 0 2 9 2 7 0 Qty 0 1 Position I K 0 0 1 Section K D B F.code I R. code A You do not need to write anything in the white boxes cov_inf5.doc
File name 20663160.pdf

Main P.C.B. components side - Circuit imprimé de la platine principale côté composants - Hauptleiterplatte Bestückungsseite - Piastra principale lato componenti - Platina principal lado componentes A B C D E F G H I J K L 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 A B C D E F G H I J K L Main P.C.B. Solder side · Circuit imprimé de la platine principale côté cuivre · Hauptleiterplatte Lötseite Piastra principale lato saldature · Platina principal lado del cobre L K J I H G F E D C B A 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 L K J I H G F E D C B A COMPONENTS LOCATION - LOCALISATION DES ELEMENTS - LAGE DER BAUTEILE LOCALIZZAZIONE DEI COMPONENTI - LOCALIZACION DE LOS COMPONENTS * SOLDER SIDE - COTE CUIVRE - LÖTSEITE - LATO SALDATURE - LADO DEL COBRE 1 2 3 BF001 BF001* BF002 BF002* BP001 BP001* BS003 BS030 BS031 BS031* BT001 BT001* BT002 BT002* BT003 BT003* BV001 BV003* BV003* BW001 BW001* BX001 BX001* BX002 BX002* BX005 BX005* A1 A1 D8 D8 J8 K8 C8 B5 G7 G7 H5 H5 G7 H6 K1 L1 E7 C8 D8 F7 F7 H8 J8 F8 F8 F7 G7 CI001* CI002* CI003* CI004* CI005* CI007* CI008* CI009* CI010* CI011* CI022* CI024 CI025 CI026* CI027* CI028 CI028* CI029* CI031* CI032 CI038* CI040* CI041* CI043* CI045* CI058* CI063* CI069 CI070* CI077* CI079* CP010 CP020* CP021 CP022* CP024 CP025 CP031 CP032 CP038* CP040 CP041* CP050 CP050 CP051 CP053 CP053 CP054 CP056 CP057 CP061 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 B5 B5 A5 A5 B4 A4 A3 A3 A3 A3 B4 A3 B3 A2 A3 A4 A4 B4 A4 A3 B3 B3 B2 B3 A3 J7 L6 L6 L7 L6 K7 K7 L7 L7 L7 L5 J6 J6 L4 L4 L4 L4 J5 J3 J5 CP064 CP065 CP066 CP068 CP071 CP081 CP082 CP087 CP095 CS001 CS002 CS003* CS004* CS006 CS007* CS008* CS009* CS010 CS011 CS012* CS013 CS014* CS015* CS016* CS017* CS018* CS019* CS020 CS021* CS022* CS022* CS023 CS024* CS026* CS026* CS030 CS031* CS033 CT001* CT002* CT003* CT004* CT005* CT006* CT007* CT008 CT009 CT010* CT011* CT012* CT012* CT013 CT013* CT014* CT016* CT018* CT018* CT020* CT021* CT022* CT023 CT024* CT025* CT026* CT027* CT028* CT029 CT030 CT031 CT032* CT034* CT035* CT036* CT037* CT038* CT039* CT044 CT046* CT049* CT050* CT053 CT060 CT070* CT071* K3 L3 K4 L4 L4 L3 L3 K2 J4 F6 G5 G5 G6 H5 H5 H5 H5 H6 H6 G6 G6 G6 G7 H5 H6 H6 G6 G7 G6 F6 H6 G6 G5 G5 G6 G5 F6 G7 F5 I5 I5 I5 E6 E6 F5 F6 I3 C1 F5 H1 I1 J1 I1 F5 F6 F6 I3 G7 J4 B4 I4 I4 I4 I4 J3 J3 J4 I3 J4 J2 L1 L1 K1 I1 G1 D1 K1 J4 J1 J1 J1 J5 C1 I1 CT072* CT076* CT077* CT918* CV001 CV002* CV003* CV004* CV005* CV008* CV010* CV011* CV012 CV012* CV013* CV014 CV015* CV016 CV017* CV018 CV019* CV020 CV021* CV022* CV023 CV024 CV025 CV026 CV027* CV028 CV029* CV030 CV031* CV032 CV033 CV034* CV035* CV036* CV036* CV037 CV038* CV039* CV047* CV049* CV050* CV051* CV052 CV053* CV053* CV055* CV057* CV061* CV062* CV064* CV064* CV065* CV066* CV071* CV072* CV073* CV074* CV075* CV083 CV084* CV087* CV132* CV133* CV134* CV148* CV258* CV401 CV403* CV405* CV407* CV409* CV411* CV412* CV413* CV414* CV428 CV482 CV484* CV501 CV502* I3 E4 E4 G7 D5 D5 C5 B5 B5 B6 D4 B6 C6 B7 B6 B7 B6 B6 B6 B6 B6 C7
File name mbr70009.pdf

POWER SUPPLY INTERFACE / TUNER / IF SECTION - INTERFACE ALIMENTATION / TUNER / FI - NETZEIL INTERFACE / TUNER / ZF - ALIMENTAZONE / TUNER / IF - INTERFAZ ALIMENTACIŇN / TUNER / IF SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM - SCHEMA DE PRINCIPE - SCHALTBILD - SCHEMA - ESQUEMA P11 FP001 250V T1L BP001 1 2 230-264VAC RP001 (PREP) AC1 AC2 3 LP001 2*33mH 4 BYW27-1000 DP004 CP050 1n0 DP003 BYW27-1000 PGND PGND DP002 BYW27-1000 RP009 180K DP005 ZMM33 PGND RP008 180K CP010 DP001 47u BYW27-1000 385V RP007 220K PGND RP005 220K RP006 220K LP050 10444940 9 RP004 95T 220K 2 95T 1 DP012 BAV20 7 DP023 FR104 3T 3 DP024 LL4148 RP029 1K PGND DP019 FR104 JP024 RP041 7K5 RP026 1K0 RP040 1K DP040 BAV20 PGND 4 7T FP044 N10 6 10T 13 P15 4T 12 CP071 100n 100V P12 P9 P10 RP056 10R CP053 470p 400V 10R DP053 BAV20 +5.1VE +12VS CP056 470p 400V DP056 BAV20 DP051 FR104 RP052 1R FP051 N10 CP051 100u 10V LS002 JS004 100uH RS016 470R LS001 8m2 CS018 12n JS006 CS020 47u 16V CS019 10n CS011 1u 50V RS013 2K CS014 1n2 CS009 100n JS020 RS012 220R RS035 10R RS036 (PREP) JW030 RP092 15K JP016 DP054 MTZJ30B 27R P13 RP085 1K P14 JP014 JP011 +33VE RP057 10k CP057 47u/50V TW001 BC848/B RW002 RW003 1K2 4K7 JP010 TW002 RN2403 2 1 GND RW011 (PREP) RW008 (PREP) RW007 5K1 WZ010 (for FE6200 only) +12VS *RZ033 680R CZ055 220n RI069 3K3 RI068 LI040 220R $270R 3u3 10u FI090 5.5MHz 1 3 $6.0MHz 2 REC TS003 (NTSCONLY) RN1402 RI066 560R SPD2 +5_IF RI067 3K3 TI055 BC848B RI065 330R +5_IF RI064 (PREP) CS017 12n CP054 33u/50V RP058 TP082 BC858B RP084 470K TUNER FE-4210 $ FE-5231 1 ANT_SW 2 3 4 +12VSD 5 MOD_V_IN 6 A_EE_PB_MD LZ005P2 JZ206 TUAGC JZ220 LZ001 10u CZ033 100u 16V RZ060 10R CS015 1n2 RS014 27K CS023 47u 16V TS030 2SC1959Y CS032 RS033 10n 4R7 JS024 JS026 CS030 RS034 47u 180R 16V 8 JS023 CP001 100n 275V TW003 2SC2236 RS031 47R RS032 8K2 CS031 10n LS030 BIAS_OSC 7 3 2 1 4 5 6 CS033 47n LZ005 10u CZ005 (PREP) $ WZ012 (delete FE6200) $ WZ011 250Vac BS030 JS011 1 AE/FE_HEAD 2 GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RZ037 *CZ034 *LZ030 680R 18p 68u JS022 CS016 (PREP) RS011 2K7 MAIN REC_INPUT RP082 180K DP082 LL4148 DP081 LL4148 RP081 10R CP081 1u 100V CP082 1u 100V EP/LP/SP EQ SW2 EE/PB MUTE ARB FTR LINE OUT REC OUT RIP FTR REC/EE REC IN ARB IN RP011 180K RP024 CP021 1n 1KV PGND 47K 4T JP006 17 10 23T 14 P16 VCC CW003 100u 16V DW006 12V DW007 LL4148 RP012 0R22 RP023 0R33 RP086 10K RP083 47K RP087 10K TP020 BUL312 RP021 22R CP020 (PREP) PGND CP023 100u 25V TP086 BC848B RW005 2k2 CW004 47u JP013 7 +12VS 8 +5.1VE DW010 ZMM5V1/2% 9 32V 10 IIC_CLK_TU 11 IIC_DA_TU 12 RZ006 (PREP) *CZ035 *LZ031 *JZ203 RZ055 100p 120u 1K JZ008 *RZ036 JZ005 1k3 TZ032 *TZ031 BC858/B BC848/B *CZ036 *RZ034 << $ 27p $ >> TZ057 680R BC858/B DZ004 DZ005 DZ003 DZ002 LL4148 LL4148 0R LL4148 +5VS CZ006 180p JZ009 LZ006 3.3u RZ005 1K TZ001 RN1402 RZ031 1K CS012 (PREP) 16 JP008 RP053 CS008 (PREP) CS010 4u7 16V CS013 10u 16V JS021 18 19 20 21 22 23 BS031 GND AE/FE_HEAD A_LIN_REC A_LIN_PB GND P_R_CTL1 CTL_BIAS REC_ON JS0

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