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Thomson TDA2040 free download

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Model:TDA2040 🔎
Original:TDA2040-ST 🔎
Descr:AUDIO AMPL. 22W 4A 20V SQL05
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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TDA2040 20W Hi-Fi AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION The TDA2040 is a monolithic integrated circuit in Pentawatt ® package,intended for use as an audio class AB amplifier. Typically it provides 22W output power (d = 0.5%) at Vs = 32V/4 . The TDA2040 provides high output current and has very low harmonic and cross-over distortion. Further the device incorporates a patented short circuit protection system comprising an arrangement for automatically limiting the dissipated power so as to keep the working point of the output transistors within their safe operating area. A thermal shut-down system is also included. TEST CIRCUIT PENTAWATT ORDERING NUMBER : TDA2040V December 1995 1/13 TDA2040 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM PIN CONNECTION THERMAL DATA Symbol Rth j-case Parameter Thermal Resistance Junction-case Max. Value 3 Unit °C/W 2/13 TDA2040 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Vs Vi Vi Io Ptot Tstg, Tj Supply Voltage Input Voltage Differential Input Voltage Output Peak Current (internally limited) Power Dissipation at T case = 75 °C Storage and Junction Temperature Parameter Value ± 20 Vs ± 15 4 25 ­ 40 to + 150 V A W °C Unit V ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (refer to the test circuit, VS = ± 16V, Tamb = 25oC unless otherwise specified) Symbol Vs Id Ib Vos Ios Po Supply Voltage Quiescent Drain Current Input Bias Current Input Offset Voltage Input Offset Current Output Power d = 0.5%, Tcase = 60°C f = 1kHz RL = 4 RL = 8 f = 15kHz RL = 4 Po = 1W, RL = 4 f = 1kHz f = 1kHz Po = 0.1 to 10W, R L = 4 f = 40 to 15000Hz f = 1kHz B = Curve A B = 22Hz to 22kHz B = Curve A B = 22Hz to 22kHz 0.5 R L = 4, R g = 22k, Gv = 30dB f = 100Hz, Vripple = 0.5VRMS f = 1kHz Po = 12W Po = 22W RL = 8 RL = 4 40 29.5 20 15 22 12 18 100 80 30 0.08 0.03 2 3 50 80 5 50 10 200 M dB % 66 63 145 °C µV µV pA 30.5 kHz dB dB % Vs = ± 4.5V Vs = ± 20V Vs = ± 20V Vs = ± 20V Parameter Test Conditions Min. ± 2.5 45 0.3 ±2 Typ. Max. ± 20 30 100 1 ± 20 ± 200 Unit V mA mA µA mV nA W BW Gv Gv d Power Bandwidth Open Loop Voltage Gain Closed Loop Voltage Gain Total Harmonic Distortion eN iN Ri SVR Input Noise Voltage Input Noise Current Input Resistance (pin 1) Supply Voltage Rejection Efficiency Tj Thermal Shut-down Junction Temperature 3/13 TDA2040 Figure 1 : Output Power versus Supply Voltage Figure 2 : Output Power versus Supply Voltage Figure 3 : Output Power versus Supply Voltage Figure 4 : Distortion versus Frequency Figure 5 : Supply Voltage Rejection versus Frequency Figure 6 : Supply Voltage Rejection versus Voltage Gain 4/13 TDA2040 Figure 7 : Quiescent Drain Current versus Supply Voltage Figure 8 : Open Loop Gain versus Frequency Figure 9 : Power Dissipation versus Output Power 5/13 TDA2040 Figure 10 : Amplifier with Split Power Supply Figure 11 : P.C. Board and Components Layout for the Circuit of Figure 10 (1:1 scale) 6/13 TDA2040 Figure 12 : Amplifier with Split Power Supply (see Note) Note : In this case of highly inductive loads protection diodes may be necessary.

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