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Thomson TDA7250 free download

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File name:tda7250.pdf
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Size:135 kB
Model:TDA7250 🔎
Original:TDA7250-ST 🔎
Descr:15 TO 80W STEREO DRIV.20p DIP20
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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TDA7250 60 W HI-FI DUAL AUDIO DRIVER . . . . . . . WIDE SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE : 20 TO 90 V (± 10 to ± 45 V) VERY LOW DISTORTION AUTOMATIC QUIESCENT CURRENT CONTROL FOR THE POWER TRANSISTORS WITHOUT TEMPERATURE SENSE ELEMENTS OVERLOAD CURRENT PROTECTION FOR THE POWER TRANSISTORS MUTE/STAND-BY FUNCTIONS LOW POWER CONSUMPTION OUTPUT POWER 60 W/8 AND 100 W/4 DIP20 ORDERING NUMBER : TDA7250 DESCRIPTION The TDA7250 stereo audio driver is designed to drive two pair of complementary output transistor in the Hi-Fi power amplifiers. APPLICATION CIRCUIT March 1995 1/11 TDA7250 PIN CONNECTION (top view) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Vs Ptot Tj, Tstg Supply Voltage Power Dissipation at Tamb = 60 °C Storage and Junction Temperature Parameter Value 100 1.4 ­ 40 to + 150 Unit V W °C THERMAL DATA Symbol Rth j-amb Parameter Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient Max. Value 65 Unit °C/W 2/11 TDA7250 PIN FUNCTIONS N° 1 2 3 4 5 Name VS ­ POWER SUPPLY NON­INV. INP. CH. 1 QUIESC. CURRENT CONTR. CAP. CH1 SENSE (­) CH. 1 ST. BY / MUTE / PLAY Negative Supply Voltage. Channel 1 Input Signal. This capacitor works as an integrator, to control the quiescent current to output devices in no-signal conditions on channel 1. Negative voltage sense input for overload protection and for automatic quiescent current control. Three-functions Terminal. For VIN = 1 to 3 V, the device is in MUTE and only quiescent current flows in the power stages ; - for VIN < 1 V, the device is in STAND-BY mode and no quiescent current is present in the power stages ; - for VIN > 3 V, the devic High Impedance Power-stages Monitor. Negative Voltage Sense Input for Overload Protection and for Automatic Quiescent Current Control. This capacitor works as an integrator, to control the quiescent current to output devices in no-signal conditions on channel 2. If the voltage at its terminals drops under 250 mV, it also resets the device from high-impedance state of output stages. Channel 2 Input Signals. Negative Supply Voltage. Feedback from Output (channel 2). Out Signal to Lower Driver Transistor of Channel 2. Out Signal to Higher Driver Transistor of Channel 2. Positive Voltage Sense Input for Overload Protection and for Automatic Quiescent Current Control. AC Input Ground in MUTE Condition. Positive Supply Voltage. Positive Voltage Sense Input for Overload Protection and for Automatic Quiescent Current Control. Out Signal to High Driver Transistor of Channel 1. Out Signal to Low Driver Transistor of Channel 1. Feedback from Output (channel 1). Function 6 7 8 CURRENT PROGRAM SENSE (­) CH. 2 QUIESC. CURRENT CONTR. CAP. CH. 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NON­INV. INP. CH. 2 Vs ­ POWER SUPPLY INVERT. INP. CH. 2 OUT (­) CH. 2 OUT (+) CH. 2 SENSE (+) CH. 2 COMMON AC GROUND VS + POWER SUPPLY SENSE (+) CH. 1 OUT (+) CH. 1 OUT (­) CH. 1 INVERT. INP. CH. 1 3/11 TDA7250 BLOCK DIAGRAM 4/11 TDA7250 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tamb = 25 °C, Vs = ± 35 V, play mode, unless otherwise specified) Sym

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