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Now downloading free:CANON gen-620

CANON gen-620 free download

Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

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Descr: CANON Copiers GP 405 ServBull ServBullGP405 gen-620.pdf
Group:Electronics > Office equipment > Copiers
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Service Bulletin COPIER Issued by Canon Europa N.V. Model : GP160 series, GP405 series, GP605 series, No.: GEN-620 CP600IR, CLC1100 series (FF-T01-F-000010-01) DATE: 09.04.99 Location : INTRODUCING A NEW TOOL Subject : WRITING TO DIMM, USING ROM WRITER AND PC Reason : This bulletin communicates an outline of how to write data to a DIMM using a ROM writer and a PC and how to go about the work. Details : The contents of this bulletin applies to models equipped with flash ROMs/DIMMs; e.g., GP160 Series, GP405 Series, GP605 Series, CP600IR, CLC1100 Series. 1. Outline < Upgrading a Copier's DIMM> You can upgrade a copier's DIMM by any of the following ways: a. Downloading data provided by Canon Inc. to the copier from a PC (does not apply to GP160 Series). b. Transferring data provided by Canon Inc. to a ROM writer from a PC; writing the data to a DIMM using the ROM writer; and then replacing the existing DIMM with the DIMM. This bulletin explains method b. Note that specific data contents will be communicated separately when they have been finalized. Server at Canon Inc. PC ROM writer DIMM Figure 1 2. Points to Note a. Exercise care, as this method differs from the way writing is done from a master ROM to a DIMM. b. Whenever you must hold the DIMM, be sure to avoid touching the terminals (gold-plated). Otherwise, the resulting poor contact or static electricity can damage the DIMM. -1/8- GEN-620 3. Writing to a DIMM Using a ROM Writer 3-1. Outline You can use a ROM writer (MODEL 1930 from Minato) to write ROM data to a 1-MB, 2-MB, or 4- MB DIMM. A DIMM is equipped with two flash ROM chips. Since they will require separate writing, you will be repeating the same work. a. Registering the Flash ROM to the ROM Writer The ROM writer can deal with different types of ROMs. When the power is turned on, it is for the previous writing operation, requiring you to reset it so that it will be able to recognize the type of the flash ROM mounted on the DIMM you will be writing to. b. Transferring ROM Data from a PC to the ROM Writer ROM data is transferred

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