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Now downloading free:CANON gpgen-02

CANON gpgen-02 free download

Copier office machines (laser, ink-jet,multifunctional devices)

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Canon SERVICE BULLETIN COPIER Issued by Canon Europa N.V. Model: GP55-30/GP200/GP215 Windows3.1/95 PCL5e No.: GP-GEN-002 Printer Driver v2.3 (97QAB-0028) DATE: 21.11.97 LOCATION: GP55-30/GP200/GP215 Windows3.1/ 95 PCL5e Printer Driver v2.3 SUBJECT: Version 2.3 Released 1. Outline GP55-30/GP200/GP215 Windows3.1/95 PCL5e Printer Driver v2.3 (GP PCL5e Driver v2.3) was released. 2. Details Here are the modifications in the GP PCL5e Driver v2.3 as compared with v2.22. 1) Support for the Network Interface Board-E2e/E3e 2) "All Pages" in [Media Source] on Media tab is changed to "Other Pages" 3) Corrections for the field claims from v2.22 Descriptions are as follows; 3-1) Apply button is grayed out 3-2) Application error on PowerPoint 3-3) In Page Maker5.0, color filled pattern prints as blank 3-4) The envelope unit not indicated on the bitmap when selected 3-5) Changing permanent fonts on the other ports does not update win.ini 3-6) Envelope Unit off, auto prompts for envelopes in cassette1 3-7) PowerPoint send fax, fax dialog minimize 3-8) PowerPoint does not fax correctly at 600dpi 3-9) Tray selection may be confusing 3-10) Multi Orientation 3-11) Multi Orientation job does not print correctly in MS Word 3-12) Separated page with GP Driver 2.0 3-13) Over printing characters with GP Driver 2.0 3-14) Missing line with GP Driver 2.0 3-15) Unknown characters - GP30F Driver 2.0 3-16) Reinstallation of GP55 PCL5a driver, cancel button does not work 3-17) Selecting connect button in Control Panel / Printer enables envelope unit 3-18) Alt + tab will not return FAX UI Dialog 3-19) Installation PCL5a Printer Driver - Cancel button does not work 3-20) GP55 PCL5a/5e settings lost for Media Source if Auto Configuration = ON 3-21) GP55 Paper Deck selection in GUI is incorrect in Transparency Interleaving 3-22) Bitmap distortion -1/4- 3-23) Outgoing FAX is double - spaced GP-GEN-002 3-24) 10+2 bin Sorter is not recognized by Auto Configuration (GP55/30) 3-25) Orientation is 1 page behind in MS Word 3-26) Incorrect underlining and strike-out in Word Perfect 6.1 3-27) IBM ThinkPad lock up in Windows95 applications 3-28) White text on black background does not print or pr

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