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Now downloading free:Agilent N2828A Make Before Break (MBB) and Header Connections Footprint N2828A-Make-Before-Break-Footprint

Agilent N2828A Make Before Break (MBB) and Header Connections Footprint N2828A-Make-Before-Break-Footprint free download

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File information:
File name:N2828A Make Before Break (MBB) and Header Connections Footprint N2828A-Make-Before-Break-Footprint.z
[preview N2828A Make Before Break (MBB) and Header Connections Footprint N2828A-Make-Before-Break-Footprint]
Size:202 kB
Model:N2828A Make Before Break (MBB) and Header Connections Footprint N2828A-Make-Before-Break-Footprint 🔎
Original:N2828A Make Before Break (MBB) and Header Connections Footprint N2828A-Make-Before-Break-Footprint 🔎
Descr: Agilent N2828A Make Before Break (MBB) and Header Connections Footprint
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name N2828A Make Before Break (MBB) and Header Connections Footprint N2828A-Make-Before-Break-Footprint.z

Example footprints for N2828A (Make-Before-Break) and header connections for N282XA Probes N2828A Make-Before-Break Keepout 0.100" header with series resistor, various sizes 0402 0603 0805 1206 1210 352th 256th 256th 256th 256th 256th 130.4th 87.6th 100th 100th 103th 100th 100th 100th 111th 94th 258.5th 151th 151th 151th 151th 151th

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