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Philips TSA5511 free download

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Model:TSA5511 🔎
Original:TSA5511 🔎
Descr:1.3 GHz Bidirectional I2C-bus controlled synthesizer
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INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TSA5511 1.3 GHz Bidirectional I2C-bus controlled synthesizer Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 October 1992 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 1.3 GHz Bidirectional I2C-bus controlled synthesizer FEATURES · Complete 1.3 GHz single chip system · Low power 5 V, 35 mA · I2C-bus programming · In-lock flag · Varicap drive disable · Low radiation · Address selection for Picture-In-Picture (PIP), DBS tuner (3 addresses) · Analog-to-digital converter · 8 bus controlled ports (5 for TSA5511T), 4 current limited outputs (1 for TSA5511T), 4 open collector outputs (bi-directional) · Power-down flag APPLICATIONS · TV tuners · VCR Tuners ORDERING INFORMATION EXTENDED TYPE NUMBER TSA5511 TSA5511T TSA5511AT Note 1. SOT102-1; 1996 December 5. 2. SOT109-1; 1996 December 5. 3. SOT163-1; 1996 December 5. PACKAGE PINS 18 16 20 PIN POSITION DIL SO SO MATERIAL plastic plastic plastic GENERAL DESCRIPTION TSA5511 The TSA5511 is a single chip PLL frequency synthesizer designed for TV tuning systems. Control data is entered via the I2C-bus; five serial bytes are required to address the device, select the oscillator frequency, programme the eight output ports and set the charge-pump current. Four of these ports can also be used as input ports (three general purpose I/O ports, one ADC). Digital information concerning those ports can be read out of the TSA5511 on the SDA line (one status byte) during a READ operation. A flag is set when the loop is "in-lock" and is read during a READ operation. The device has one fixed I2C-bus address and 3 programmable addresses, programmed by applying a specific voltage on Port 3. The phase comparator operates at 7.8125 kHz when a 4 MHz crystal is used. CODE SOT102(1) SOT109A(2) SOT163A(3) October 1992 2 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 1.3 GHz Bidirectional I2C-bus controlled synthesizer QUICK REFERENCE DATA SYMBOL VCC ICC f VI supply current frequency range input voltage level 80 MHz to 150 MHz 150 MHz to 1 GHz 1 GHz to 1.3 GHz fXTAL IO IO Tamb Tstg crystal oscillator frequency open-collector output current current-limited output current operating ambient temperature range IC storage temperature range 12 9 40 3.2 10 - -10 -40 - - - 4.0 - 1 - - 300 300 300 4.48 - - +80 +150 PARAMETER positive supply voltage - - 64 MIN. 5 35 - TYP. - - 1300 TSA5511 MAX. V UNIT mA MHz mV mV mV MHz mA mA °C °C October 1992 3 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 1.3 GHz Bidirectional I2C-bus controlled synthesizer TSA5511 October 1992 4 Fig.1 Block diagram. Philips Semiconductors Product specification 1.3 GHz Bidirectional I2C-bus controlled synthesizer TSA5511 Fig.2 Pin configuration for SOT102. Fig.3 Pin configuration for SOT109. Fig.4 Pin configuration for SOT163. October 1992 5 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 1.3 GHz Bidirectional I2C-bus controlled synthesizer PINNING PIN SYMBOL SOT102 SOT109 SOT163 PD Q1 Q2 n.c. SDA SCL

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