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Kyocera COM-005 free download

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File name:COM-005.pdf
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Model:COM-005 🔎 COM005
Original:COM-005 🔎
Descr: Kyocera Printer FS-2020-3920-4020 SERVICEBULLETINS COM-005.pdf
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
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Service Bulletin SB Number: SB COM-005 Creation Date: 18/03/2010 Compatibility between older system firmware and newer flash Subject: memory FS-820/920/1030D/2000D/3900DN/4000DN/6950DN/1100/1300D/ Model: 1350DN/2020D/3920DN/4020DN/6970DN, FS-C5100DN/5200DN/ 5300DN/5400DN Please note that the newer flash memory on the main board (Spansion or Numonyx) is not supported by older versions of the system firmware. Therefore please be sure that the system firmware is at least upgraded to the versions mentioned in the table below. When the system firmware does not support the flash memory on the main board, the flash memory can not be recognized and the machine can not operate. Older flash memory then Spansion and Numonyx is supported by later system firmware versions. System firmware and supported flash memory Model System firmware version Manufacturer name FS-820 S2FV_3000003001 Spansion FS-920 S2FW_3000003001 Spansion FS-1030D 2G6_3000004001 Spansion FS-2000D S2F8_3000.004.001 Spansion FS-3900DN/4000DN S2F9_3000.006.001 Spansion FS-6950DN S2F7_3000.003.001 Spansion FS-1100/1300D 2HS_3000003001 Numonyx FS-1350DN 2H4_3000.004.002 Numonyx FS-2020D/3920DN/4020DN 2J0_3000.004.002 Numonyx FS-6970DN 2J5_3000.002.001 Numonyx FS-C5100DN/5200DN/5300DN 2HN_3000005016 Numonyx FS-C5400DN 2HG_3000005017 Numonyx Compatibility of the old and new flash memory and the old and new firmware Old firmware New firmware Old flash memory O O New flash memory X O O: Compatible X: Incompatible KMIS Service Department, Kyocera Mita Europe Page of A027 / SB COM-005

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