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Now downloading free:RCA CTC 46

RCA CTC 46 free download

TV - Conventional CRT, LCD Projectors, TFT, Plasma, Big Screen, HDTV, Home theater - Service manuals, repair tips

File information:
File name:rca_ctc_46.pdf
Size:340 kB
Model:CTC 46 🔎
Descr:TV set. From Electronic and Technician Dealer 1971.
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
Multipart:No multipart

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File name rca_ctc_46.pdf

1373 RCA SALES CORP. ELECTRONIC J-7 w=orica yir Color TV Chassis AUGUST 1971 CTC46 Series COMPLETE MANUFACTU RERS CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION FOR 5 NEW SETS SYMBOL DESCRIPTION RCA PART NO. 72-47.25MHz trap 132157 R412 -control, hi voltage adjust resistor 133355 74-41.25MHz trap 132150 C103A-6000f, 100v elect 133446 R608A-resistor control, vert height/noise/kinescope bias .132381 75-4.5MHz trap 132135 C10313-100 pf, 250v elect 133446 RT101 thermistor-ternp comp 116109 7299 -input xformer 130120 C103C-100pf, 250v elect 133446 RT1-thermistor-temp comp

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