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Now downloading free:RCA CTC 131, 132

RCA CTC 131, 132 free download

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File name:RCA Chassis 131,132.pdf
Size:386 kB
Model:CTC 131, 132 🔎
Descr:RCA Chassis 131,132.pdf from EST 1984-10. Decription. TV, service.
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A technical overview - Adapted from The RCA Com- municator (an Electronics Tech- nicians' Newsletter published by RCA Consumer Electronics.) T'he new RCA The CTC 131 and CTC 132 color chassis are the newest additions to the RCA unitized chassis family. The CTC 131 chassis is used in all 1985 (K -line) RCA ColorTrak 2000 CTC 131/132 25 -inch monitor -receivers. A varia- tion of the CTC 131 chassis, the CTC 132, is used in RCA's K -line TV chassis projection TV models. The Color Trak 2000 monitor - receivers give full spectrum audio/ video performance and have either a 6- or 29-connection back patch panel for direct hookup of stereo and video devices. Also, all Color- Trak 2000 monitor -receivers come equipped for broadcast stereo and with the Digital Command Center infrared remote.

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