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Now downloading free:SGS-Thomson L4920

SGS-Thomson L4920 free download

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Model:L4920 🔎
Original:L4920 🔎
Descr:L4920 L4921 very low drop adjustable regulators
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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L4920 L4921 VERY LOW DROP ADJUSTABLE REGULATORS . . . . . . . . VERY LOW DROP VOLTAGE ADJUSTABLE OUTPUT VOLTAGE FROM 1.25V TO 20V 400mA OUTPUT CURRENT LOW QUIESCENT CURRENT REVERSE VOLTAGE PROTECTION + 60/ - 60V TRANSIENT PEAK VOLTAGE PROTECTION SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION WITH FOLDBACK CHARACTERISTICS THERMAL SHUT-DOWN Pentawatt DESCRIPTION The L4920 and L4921 are adjustable voltage regulators with a very low voltage drop (0.4V typ. at 0.4A Tj = 25°C), low quiescent current and comprehensive on-chip protection. These devices are protected againstload dump and field decay transients, polarity reversal and over heating. A foldback current limiter protects against load short circuits. The output voltage is adjustable throughan external divider from 1.25V to 20V. The minimum operating input voltage is 5.2V (TJ = 25°C). BLOCK DIAGRAM Minid ip (4 + 4) ORDERING NUMBERS : L4920 (Pentawatt) L4921 (Minidip) These regulators are designed for automotive, industrial and consumer applications where low consumption is particularly important. In battery backup and standby applications the low consumption of these devices extends battery life. February 1989 1/7 L4920/L4921 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Vi Parameter DC Input Operating Voltage DC Reverse Input Voltage Transient Input Overvoltages: Load Dump: 5ms trise 10ms f Fall time constant = 100ms RSOURCE 0.5 Field Decay: 5ms tfall 10ms, RSOURCE 10 f Rise time constant = 33ms Value 35 Unit V TJ, TSTG Junction and Storage Temperature Range ­ 55 to 150 °C PIN CONNECTIONS (top view) TEST AND APPLICATION CIRCUIT C = 100µF is required for stability (ESR 3 over T range) R2 = 6.2K. THERMAL DATA Symbol R th j-amb R th j-pins Rth j-case Parameter Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient Thermal Resistance Junction-pins Thermal Resistance Junction-case Max Max Max Minidip (4 + 4) 80 °C/W 15 °C/W ­ Pentawatt 60 °C/W ­ 3.5 °C/W 2/7 L4920/L4921 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (for VI =14.4V, TJ =25°C, VO = 5V, CO = 100µF, unlessOtherwise Specified) Symbol VI VREF VO VO VD Parameter Operating Input Voltage Reference Voltage Line Regulation Load Regulation Dropout Voltage Test Condition VO 4.5V, IO = 400mA VREF VO < 4.5V, IO = 400mA 5.2V < VI < 26V 5mA IO 400mA (*) VO + 1V < VI < 26V, VO 4.5V IO = 5mA 5mA IO 400mA (*) VO 4.5V IO = 10mA IO = 150mA IO = 400mA IO = 0mA VO + 1V < VI <26V IO = 400mA (*) VO + 1V < VI <26V IO IOSC Maximal Output Current Short Circuit Output Current (*) Min. VO + 0.7 5.2 1.20 1.25 1 3 0.05 0.2 0.4 0.8 65 800 350 500 Typ. Max. 26 26 1.30 10 15 0.4 0.7 2 90 Unit V V V mV/V mV/V V V V mA mA mA mA IQ Quiescent Current (*) Fol dback protecti on ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (for VI = 14.4V, ­40 TJ 125°C (note 1), VO = 5V, CO =100µF, unless Otherwise Specified) Symbol VI VREF VO VO VD IQ Parameter Operating Input Voltage Reference Voltage Line Regulation Load Regulation Dropout Voltage Quiescent Current Test Condition VO 4.5V, IO = 400mA VREF VO < 4.5V, IO = 400mA 5.4V < VI <

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