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Now downloading free:SGS-Thomson L2605

SGS-Thomson L2605 free download

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Model:L2605 🔎
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Descr:Low dropout voltage regulators L2605 L2685-L2610
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L2605 L2685-L2610 LOW DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORS OUTPUT VOLTAGE OF 5, 8.5 AND 10 V OUTPUT CURRENT UP TO 500 mA NO EXTERNAL COMPONENTS LOW DROP OUT VOLTAGE OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION (± 100V) REVERSE VOLTAGE PROTECTION SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION CURRENT LIMITING THERMAL SHUTDOWN TO-220 SOT-82 DESCRIPTION The L2600 series og three terminal positive regulators is specially designed to stabilize power supplies car instrumentation in vehicles with 12V battery. Available with output voltages equal to 5V, 8.5 V, 10V, they can supply an output current to 500mA. These devices are protected against load dump and field decay transients (±100V), reverse battery, short circuit and thermal overload. BLOCK DIAGRAM Order codes TO-220 L2605V L2685V L2610V SOT-82 L2605X L2685X L2610X Output Voltage 5V 8.5 V 10 V March 1993 1/6 L2605-L2685-L2610 PIN CONNECTION (top view) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Vi Parameter DC Input Voltage DC Input Reverse Voltage Transient Input Overvoltage: Load Dump: 5ms trise 10ms f Fall Time Costant = 100ms, R source 0.5 Field Decay: 5ms tfall 10ms r Rise Time Costant = 33ms, R source 10 Power Dissipation Junction and Storage Temperature Range Value 35 -28 + 100 Unit V V V - 100 V PD Tj, Tstg Internally Limited - 55 to 150 °C THERMAL DATA Symbol R th-j-case Rth-j-amb Parameter Thermal resistance junction-case Thermal resistance junction-ambient Max Max SOT-82 8 °C/W 100 °C/W TO-220 4°C/W 75 ° C/W APPLICATION CIRCUIT (*) Note : C1 and C 2 are only needed if the load capacitance exceeds 1000 pF, Recommended values are C1 = 0.1 µF and C2 100 µF. 2/6 L2605-L2685-L2610 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tj = 25 °C, Vi = 14V, unless otherwise specified) Symbol Vo Parameter Output Voltage Io = 500 mA Vi Vo Vo Vi-o Id Vo T Isc SVR Ro eN Output Short Circuit Current Supply Voltage Rejection Output Resistance Output Noise Voltage Vi = 16 f = 100 Hz Io = 500 mA BW = 100 Hz to 10 KHz Vi = 2 V Io = 500 mA Operating Input Voltage Line Regulation Load Regulation Dropout Voltage Quiescent Current Output Voltage Drift See Note (*) Io = 50 mA Vi = 14 V Io = 500 mA Io = 50 mA Io = 50 mA Vi = 14 V Tamb = - 12 to 80 °C 20 -1 Vi = 12 to 20 V Io = 50 to 500 mA 2 4 Test Condition Vi = 12 to 16 V (L2605) Vi = 12 to 16 V (L2685) Vi = 12 to 16 V (L2610 Min. 4.80 8.15 9.60 Typ. 5.00 8.50 10.00· Max. 5.20 8.85 10.40 28 8 9 1.9 45 Unit V V mV/V mV/V V mA mV/°C 1.1 1.8 A 60 0.05 20 dB µV (*) Note: For DC innput voltage 28 V

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