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Now downloading free:SGS-Thomson L4923

SGS-Thomson L4923 free download

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Model:L4923 🔎
Original:L4923 🔎
Descr:5V-1A very low drop regulator with reset & inhibit
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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L4923 5V­1A VERY LOW DROP REGULATOR WITH RESET AND INHIBIT . . . . . . . . . VERY LOW DROP (max. 0.9V at 1A) OVER FULL OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE (­ 40 / + 125 °C) LOW QUIESCENT CURRENT (max 70 mA at 1 A) OVER FULL T RANGE PRECISE OUTPUT VOLTAGE (5V ± 4%) OVER FULL T RANGE POWER ON-OFF INFORMATION WITH SETTABLE DELAY INHIBIT FOR REMOTE ON-OFF COMMAND (active high) LOAD STANDBY CURRENT LOAD DUMP AND REVERSE BATTERY PROTECTION SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION THERMAL SHUTDOWN Heptaw att ORDERING NUMBER : L4923 The device is internally protected against load dumps transient of + 60 V, input overvoltage, reverse polarity, overheating and output short circuit : thanks to these features the L4923 is very suited for the automotive and industrial applications. The reset function is very useful for power off and power on information when supplying a microprocessor. The inhibit function reduces drastically the consumption when no load current is required : typically the standby current value is 300 µA. DESCRIPTION The L4923 is a high current monolithic voltage regulator with very low voltage drop (0.70 V max at 1 A, TJ = 25 °C). BLOCK DIAGRAM October 1991 This is advanced information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change without notice. 1/6 L4923 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Vi Vr VD TJ Top Tstg DC Input Voltage DC Reverse Voltage Positive Load Dump Protection (t = 300ms) Junction Temperature range Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Parameter Value 35 ­ 18 60 ­ 40 to 150 ­ 40 to 125 ­ 55 to 150 Unit V V V °C °C °C Note: The circuit is ESD protected according to MIL-STD-883C THERMAL DATA Symbol Rth j-case Parameter Thermal Resistance Junction Case Value 4 Unit °C/W PIN CONNECTION Figure 1 : Application Circuit. (*) RECOMMENDED VALUE : C 0 = 47 µF, ESR < 10 , (Iout > 10 mA) OVER FULL Trange. 2/6 L4923 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vi = 14. 4V, ­ 40°C TJ + 125°C unless otherwise specified) Symbol Vi Vo VLine SVR Parameter Operating Input Voltage Output Voltage Line Regulation Supply Voltage Rejection Test Conditions (*) Note 1 Io = 0mA to 1A TJ = 25°C Vi = 6 to 26V; IO = 10mA Io = 700mA f = 120Hz; C o = 47µF Vi = 12Vdc + 5Vpp Io = 10mA to 1A TJ = 25°C, IO = 1A Over Full T, Io = 1A Iq Quiescent Current Io = 10mA Io = 1A Active High Inhibit Io = 350mA ; f = 120Hz Co = 100µF ; Vi = 12V ± 5Vpp 1.5V < VO < VRT (off), IR = 1.6mA 3V < VO < VRT (of f), IR = 8mA 1K Reset Pull-up to VO Vo in Regul. VR = 5V CD = 100nF Vo @ Reset out H to L Transition; TJ = 25°C ­ 40°C TJ + 125°C V6 = 3V Vo @ Reset out L to H Transition Reset out = "1" H to L Transition Reset out = "0" L to H Transition V6H VInhL VInhH IInhL IInhH Delay Comparator Hysteresis Low Inhibit Voltage High Inhibit Voltage Low Level Inhibit Current High Level Inhibit Current VInh L = 0.4V VInh H = 2.4V 2.0 ­ 40 ­ 10 6 20 3.2 3.7 4 500 0.5 4.75 4.7 20 Vo ­ 0.15 20 VrthOFF + 0.03V Vo ­ 0.04V 3.8 4.4 0.65 50 7 25 0.30 1.8 60 0.40

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