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Now downloading free:ST TDA8177

ST TDA8177 free download

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TDA8177 VERTICAL DEFLECTION BOOSTER . . . . . . POWER AMPLIFIER FLYBACK GENERATOR THERMAL PROTECTION OUTPUT CURRENT UP TO 3.0APP FLYBACK VOLTAGE UP TO 70V (on Pin 5) SUITABLE FOR DC COUPLING APPLICATION DESCRIPTION Designed for monitors and high performance TVs, the TDA8177 vertical deflection booster delivers flyback voltages up to 70V. The TDA8177 operates with supplies up to 35V and provides up to 3APP output current to drive the yoke. The TDA8177 is offered in HEPTAWATT package. PIN CONNECTIONS 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Tab connected to Pin 4 NON-INVERTING INPUT OUTPUT STAGE SUPPLY OUTPUT GROUND FLYBACK GENERATOR SUPPLY VOLTAGE INVERTING INPUT HEPTAWATT (Plastic Package) ORDER CODE : TDA8177 BLOCK DIAGRAM SUPPLY VOLTAGE 2 OUTPUT STAGE SUPPLY 6 FLYBACK GENERATOR 3 FLYBACK GENERATOR INVERTING INPUT 1 POWER AMPLIFIER NON-INVERTING INPUT 7 THERMAL PROTECTION 4 GROUND 8177-02.EPS 5 OUTPUT TDA8177 December 1998 1/5 8177-01.EPS TDA8177 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol VS V6 V1 , V7 IO I3 I3 VESD Toper Tstg Tj Notes : 1. 2. 3. 4. Parameter Supply Voltage (Pin 2) (see note 1) Flyback Peak Voltage (Pin 6) (see note 1) Amplifier Input Voltage (Pins 1-7) (see note 1) Maximum Output Peak Current (see notes 2 and 3) Maximum Sink Current (first part of flyback) (t < 1ms) Maximum Source Current (t < 1ms) Electrostatic Handling for all pins (see note 4) Operating Ambient Temperature Storage Temperature Junction Temperature Versus Pin 4. The output current can reach 4A peak for t 10µs (up to 120Hz). Provided SOAR is respected (see Figures 1 and 2). Equivalent to discharging a 100pF capacitor through a 1.5k series resistor. Value 40 75 - 0.3, + VS 2.5 2.5 2.5 2000 - 20, + 75 - 40, + 150 +150 Unit V V V A A A V o o o C C THERMAL DATA Symbol Rth (j-c) Tt Tjr Parameter Junction-case Thermal Resistance Temperature for Thermal Shutdown Recommended Max. Junction Temperature Max. Value 3 150 120 Unit o o o C C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VS = 35V, TA = 25oC, unless otherwise specified) Symbol VS I2 I6 IO I1 I7 VIO VIO/dt GV V5L V5H VD5 - 6 VD3 - 2 V3SL V3SH Parameter Operating Supply Voltage Range Pin 2 Quiescent Current Pin 6 Quiescent Current Max. Peak Output Current Amplifier Bias Current Amplifier Bias Current Offset Voltage Offset Drift versus Temperature Voltage Gain Output Saturation Voltage to GND (Pin 4) Output Saturation Voltage to Supply (Pin 6) Diode Forward Voltage between Pins 5-6 Diode Forward Voltage between Pins 3-2 Saturation Voltage on Pin 3 Saturation Voltage to Pin 2 (2nd part of flyback) I5 = 1.5A I5 = - 1.5A I5 = 1.5A I3 = 1.5A I3 = 20mA I3 = - 1.5A 80 1 1.8 1.8 1.6 0.4 2.1 1.7 2.3 2.3 2.2 1 2.8 - 10 V1 = 22V, V7 = 23V V1 = 23V, V7 = 22V - 0.15 - 0.15 I3 = 0, I5 = 0 I3 = 0, I5 = 0, V6 = 35V 8 Test Conditions Min. 10 9 15 Typ. Max. 35 20 30 1.5 -1 -1 7 Unit V mA mA A µA µA mV µV/oC dB V V V V V V 8177-03.TBL 2/5 8177-02.TBL C/W 8177-01.TBL C TDA8177 APPLICATION CIRCUITS AC COUPLING + VS CF 2 6 3 FLYBACK GENERATOR 1 POWER AMPLIFIER 7

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