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Now downloading free:Philips TDA8808T

Philips TDA8808T free download

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Model:TDA8808T 🔎
Original:TDA8808AT 🔎
Descr:TDA8808T TDA8808AT Photo diode signal processor for compact disc players
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TDA8808T TDA8808AT Photo diode signal processor for compact disc players Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC01 November 1987 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Photo diode signal processor for compact disc players GENERAL DESCRIPTION TDA8808T TDA8808AT The TDA8808 is a bipolar integrated circuit designed for use in compact disc players with a single spot read-out system. It amplifies the photo-diode signals and processes the error signals for the focus- and radial control network. Features · Data amplifier with equalizer and AGC · Offset-free pre-amplifier with AGC for the servo signals · Trackloss and drop-out detection · Start-up procedure for focus · Normalizing focus error output signal to minimize radial error interference · Laser supply amplifier and reference source · Both TDA8808T and TDA8808AT versions suitable for car, portable and home applications · Single and dual supply application · Focus in-lock signal; ready signal output (RD). QUICK REFERENCE DATA SYMBOL Supply VP Vext Vext IQ IHFin(p-p) ID ILO Tamb Supply voltage range External voltage range TDA8808T TDA8808AT Quiescent supply current HF input current (peak-to-peak value) LF input current (for each diode input) Laser supply output current Operating ambient temperature range -30 - +85 °C Si/R7D = HIGH Z 0 -8 - -4 6 -2 µA mA fHFin = 100 kHz 3 - 10 µA Si/RD = 0 V -5,5 VP 7,5 -5,0 10 10 0 12 12,5 V V mA 4,5 5,0 5,5 V PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT PACKAGE OUTLINE 28-lead mini-pack; plastic (SO28; SOT136A); SOT136-1; 1996 August 13. November 1987 2 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Photo diode signal processor for compact disc players TDA8808T TDA8808AT Fig.1 Block diagram. November 1987 3 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Photo diode signal processor for compact disc players PINNING TDA8808T TDA8808AT Fig.2 Pinning diagram. November 1987 4 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Photo diode signal processor for compact disc players Pin functions PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 MNEMONIC GCHF VP HFout DET Sc Si/RD Beq Bgc FOC START PLLH TL DODS Vext Positive supply voltage HF amplifier and equalizer voltage output HF detector voltage input Starting up capacitor input DESCRIPTION TDA8808T TDA8808AT Gain control input of HF amplifier. Current output from HF amplitude detector On/off control (start input); ready signal output (starting up procedure successful) Equalizer reference current input DC and LF gain control reference current input Focus normalizing circuit starting current PLL on hold output Track loss output Drop out detector suppression input TDA8808T Negative supply connection for FE and FElag output stage; also substrate connection TDA8808AT Positive supply connection for FE and FElag output stage 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23, 22 24, 25 26 27 28 LPF FE FElag LO LM GCLF Re2 Re1 D1, D2 D3, D4 HFin GND DEC Low pass filter for Iret, used in track l

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