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ST VIPER20 free download

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® VIPer20/SP/DIP - VIPer20A/ASP/ADIP SMPS PRIMARY I.C. TYPE VIPer20/SP/DIP VIPer20A/ASP/ADIP s ADJUSTABLE VDSS 620V 700V In 0.5 A 0.5 A RDS(on) 16 18 PENTAWATT HV PENTAWATT HV (022Y) SWITCHING FREQUENCY UP TO 200 kHz s CURRENT MODE CONTROL s SOFT START AND SHUT DOWN CONTROL s AUTOMATIC BURST MODE OPERATION IN STAND-BY CONDITION ABLE TO MEET "BLUE ANGEL" NORM (<1W TOTAL POWER CONSUMPTION) s INTERNALLY TRIMMED ZENER REFERENCE s UNDERVOLTAGE LOCK-OUT WITH HYSTERESIS s INTEGRATED START-UP SUPPLY s AVALANCHE RUGGED s OVERTEMPERATURE PROTECTION s LOW STAND-BY CURRENT s ADJUSTABLE CURRENT LIMITATION 10 1 PowerSO-10TM DIP-8 DESCRIPTION VIPer20/20A, made using VIPower M0 Technology, combines on the same silicon chip a state-of-the-art PWM circuit together with an optimized high voltage avalanche rugged Vertical Power MOSFET (620V or 700V / 0.5A). Typical applications cover off line power supplies with a secondary power capability of 10W in wide range condition and 20W in single range or with doubler configuration. It is compatible from both primary or secondary regulation loop despite using around 50% less components when compared with a discrete solution. Burst mode operation is an additional feature of this device, offering the possibility to operate in stand-by mode without extra components. BLOCK DIAGRAM OSC DRAIN ON/OFF OSCILLATOR SECURITY LATCH VDD UVLO LOGIC R/S FF S Q PWM LATCH R1 S FF R2 R3 Q OVERTEMP. DETECTOR 0.5 V + _ 1.7 µs delay 250 ns Blanking + _ + 0.5V _ 6 V/A _ 13 V + ERROR AMPLIFIER CURRENT AMPLIFIER 4.5 V COMP SOURCE July 2002 FC00491 1/25 1 VIPer20/SP/DIP - VIPer20A/ASP/ADIP ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING Symbol VDS ID VDD VOSC VCOMP ICOMP Vesd ID(AR) Ptot Tj Tstg Parameter Continuous Drain-Source Voltage (Tj=25 to 125°C) for VIPer20/SP/DIP for VIPer20A/ASP/ADIP Maximum Current Supply Voltage Voltage Range Input Voltage Range Input Maximum Continuous Current Electrostatic Discharge (R =1.5k; C=100pF) Avalanche Drain-Source Current, Repetitive or Not Repetitive (TC=100°C; Pulse width limited by Tj max; < 1%) for VIPer20/SP/DIP for VIPer20A/ASP/ADIP Power Dissipation at Tc=25ºC Junction Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Value -0.3 to 620 -0.3 to 700 Internally limited 0 to 15 0 to VDD 0 to 5 ±2 4000 0.5 0.4 57 Internally limited -65 to 150 Unit V V A V V V mA V A A W °C °C THERMAL DATA Symbol Rthj-pin Rthj-case Rthj-amb. Parameter Thermal Resistance Junction-pin Max Thermal Resistance Junction-case Max Thermal Resistance Ambient-case Max PENTAWATT 2.0 70 PowerSO-10TM (*) 2.0 60 DIP-8 20 35 (#) Unit °C/W °C/W °C/W (*) When mounted using the minimum recommended pad size on FR-4 board. (#) On multylayer PCB. CONNECTION DIAGRAMS (Top View) PENTAWATT HV PENTAWATT HV (022Y) PowerSO-10TM OSC Vdd SOURCE COMP 4 5 SC10540 DIP-8 1 8 DRAIN DRAIN DRAIN DRAIN CURRENT AND VOLTAGE CONVENTIONS IDD ID VDD DRAIN IOSC OSC 13V + COMP SOURCE VDD VDS ICOMP VOSC VCOMP FC00020 2/25 1 VIPer20/SP/DIP - VIPer2

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